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Week 23: Weddings

[ View the related 'Weekly Post': Week 23: Weddings ]

What an exciting week on board the Buffalo! We read in Bingham Hutchinson’s diary on Thursday 28th July that three weddings took place on the same day. The ceremony was conducted by Mr W. Howard and was witnessed by the entire crew and all the passengers. Hutchinson’s diary entry gives us few details about the service, including the drinking of ‘wine on the quarter–deck, after which followed singing & dancing.’ With some understanding of English weddings in 1836, we can make assumptions about what other events may have occurred. For example, “To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part”, are common marriage vows that have been recited at many English church weddings since 1552.

Front cover of Young Bingham Hutchinson’s journal aboard the Buffalo

This week we will build upon our own understandings and experiences to explore the concepts of marriage and weddings, from traditional English weddings in 1836, to the weddings from different cultures, ethnic groups, religion and countries in present times.

Inquiry Questions: