Emma passenger list

It is impossible to be sure of who was on board the brig Emma. The vessel was chartered by the South Australian Company to take out stores for which there was no room in the other ships, and called at the Cape of Good Hope on the way to obtain additional cattle and other stock for the new province. The passengers on board were almost all Company servants, whose engagements were recorded in the Directors’ Minutes, and their names and details appear in the ‘Register of Emigrant Labourers Applying for a Free Passage to South Australia’. This lists the people considering life in the new colony and generally indicates on which ship those deciding to proceed were embarked. However uncertainty can arise from clerical errors, last minute changes, and desertions. Being a privately-owned vessel there is no record of the crew other than the name of the master, John Nelson. Charles Hare, a cabin passenger, mentioned Mrs Nelson in a letter, and also that Mr ‘Douglass’ had helped conduct religious services. Henry Douglas was one of the comparatively few people who, through ineligibility for a free passage or other reasons, paid his own way.


Master: John Nelson

Henry Douglas
Charles Simeon Hare
Mrs Hare
Mrs Nelson


George Allen
John Barnett
Edward Byfield
Charles Thos Chittenden
John Cranfield
Mrs Cranfield
William Flaxman
Mrs Flaxman & 2 children
William Howlett
William Hutton
Joseph Lyne
Mrs Lyne & 2 children
James Edwin Palmer
George Richards
Joseph Thompson
William Wilkins
Mrs Wilkins & 2 children

Information compiled by Bob Sexton.

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