Monday 28 March 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

At 2, A,M, a most tremendious Sea, overlap’d the Vessel,
and giving her such a violent Shock, as caused both the
Capt and every Soul on board, to suppose She must foun-
-der, being for a time completely buried under Water,
however, after a few Moments, of the most horrible suspense,
the little Vessel again arose out of the angry Deep, when
both Pump’s were set to work, and which to our unutterable
satisfaction, very soon sucked her dry, but the loss
sustained by that dreadful Sea, is truly lamentable  ____
The two Sheep-pen’s, were swept away from their fast-
-enings, and One of them dashed to pieces, when all the
poor Sheep which it contain’d, were washed overboard, the
other Pen is also greatly injured, and thus were 12
of our Sheep either kill’d or drown’d, likewise, 3 Pig’s
23 Fowls, 2 Turkey’s, and 2 Rabbits, shared the same
hard fate, besides 5 Sacks of Fodder, and all the Turnips
also, 1 Barrel of Beef, 1 Tierce of Pork, the Log-reel,
and several other Articles, were all swept off the Decks,
along with the Bulwark &c, after which Capt Martin,
order’d all the Hay to be thrown overboard, deeming such
a course expedient for the safety of the Vessel, as the
Sea was now making a regular passage over her, every
Minute, and filling the Cabin with Water, through the
Panes of Skylight, which it had broken, although they
were defended all round, by strong Canvas, not even leaving
a place uncover’d by which to see the Compass, nor daring
to steer in any other direction, than right before the Wind,
At 4, A,M, the Fore-yard gave way, breaking into two
pieces by the Slings, and the close reef’d Fore-top-sail,
split into Ribbon’s, which was the only Canvass, we
had set, at the time, our stern Boat also got stove,
Thus did this most desperate of all Gale’s, continue
to blow, without the least sign of abateing untill Noon,
when it became rather less violent, and at 4, P,M, we ventured
to heave-too, although the Sea was most terribly high,
and the Squalls still uncommonly heavy, causing the
Vessel to labour exceedingly, and ship a great deal of Water,
but we had either to do this, or run down upon a lee Shore
in the Bay of Biscay

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