Sunday 1 May 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

This 24 hours strong winds from the eastward
clear plesent weather all sail set steering S½
east      Lattd Obsd 12.45 North Longd 21.8 West
I read in the morning the 1st chapt of galls with
tract commentry in the forenoon read with the
church service Christ on the mount 7th chapt
of St Matthew gospel 14th 15th verces ten attended I found
it solemn and profitable to my soul in the afternoon
three boys attended read the scriptures and other
usefull works to them in the everning assembled
the people sung the travelers hymn likewise 66th
44th Wesley read a tract on the day of Judgement
by the socierty for promoteing usefull knowledge
a most solemn and interesting work may the
Lord bless such promoters of speritual good from
one generation to generation Amen and Amen
may the Lord bless my wife boy and girl with
the riches of his grace Amen

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