Thursday 15 September 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

Thursday, Septr 15th. Moderate & fine. Wind S.S.E. Head S.W. Miles
run, 102 + 4228 = 4330. Noon. Do Wr. Lat. 0E21′ No. Longe 17E50′ Wt.
6. Quadrilles & country dances on the quarter-deck. At 7.30.
The approach of Neptune being notified by the man look-
-ing out on the forecastle, the mizen topsail was backed; &
a blue-light being burnt, he hailed the Ship, & announced
his intention of coming on board to see his children
tomorrow. At his departure he was saluted with a sky-
-rocket, & having made sail, his car passed astern, &
remained visible for more than an hour, although at
least a mile or two distant. A clear moonlight night.

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