Wednesday 12 October 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

12 October-Light airs from the eastward, and very fine weather; we all felt in high spirits, the air had a freshness quite exhilarating, and the idea of winter and gales being now over, we might set to work without any hindrances except what usually and unavoidably attend the commencement of such an undertaking. At eight, we began sending things on shore; at ten, the wind shifted to the N.N.W. and W.N W.; at noon, a sudden change of wind to the N.N.E., with very sultry and oppressive air; in a few minutes, thunder clouds appeared very near, from the westward; without any previous indications a sudden breeze from the westward sprang up, and a high sea immediately coming home. At half past one p.m., several severe flashes of lightning with thunder close to us, and the rain fell heavy; about two, this squall passed over, but we found ourselves now in for another gale in not so easy a berth as the last, for about a mile astern were the high and precipitous rocks at the eastern side of this little bay. At three, let go to the sheet anchor, veered away on both cables until nearly the whole of the small bower was given; we had hard gales and a high sea throughout the night.

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