Wednesday 7 December 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

Wednesday Dec 7th We got all the Stock and Stores from
the Salt Lagoon Station safely on board of Ship last Eveng
except 1 Wether Sheep, &1 Black Sow, both of which got
away from the Sailors that were taking them to the Beach
also a little Boar that had been missing for some time past
and the Merino Ram Lamb, which we have not been able
to find, but Chs Powell is to remain at the Station, and
therefore will probably secure them againĀ  ______
During this Day we have recd on board, an additional
supply of Stock from Kingscote, to take with us to the Main
Land, they consist of 23 Wedder Sheep, 2 Working Bullocks
2 Saddle Horses, 1 Sow & 4 small Pigs, as likewise
a quantity of Stores, and will proceed to Sea in the
Morng should Wind & Weather permitĀ  _______

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