Friday 1 July 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

The Weather is still very unsettled and Squally, while the
Rain scarcely ever ceases for 5 Minutes together, but
during last Night the Wind kept veering round towards
the N,Westward, and at 8, O’Clock this Morng, became
due West, but at Noon it was S,W, from which Quarter,
it blew most terrifickly to the end of this Day, and causing
the Sea to boil with Rage, by thus shifting about, and
blowing with such terrible violence out of each Art   ____
In the very height of the Gale, about 8, P,M, Mrs Chan-
-dler departed this Life, after having endured very much indeed,
by severe Pain’s, which for the last two or three Days,
have been principally in her Head and Breast,   _____
She was quite sensible a few Minutes before her Death,
and seem’d in a very despondent state of Mind, respecting
the future Welfare of her Soul, however, we may rest per-
-fectly satisfied that the Lord, will measure out, the rewards
of all his Creatures, in the strictest Scale of Justice, and
therefore it does not become us to Judge any One, but trust
to the unerring wisdom of our merciful Redeemer

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