Saturday 10 December 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

10 December-Calm and cloudy; at eight got under way with light variable winds, and not being able to fetch to the northward we stood for the southern channel, but the wind baffling so much, and seeing there was no chance of getting through before dark, perceiving also a long way in the offing rollers extending right across, I made a push for Memory Cove, and at three p.m. came to an anchor in seven fathoms, about two cables length from the shore; a party of us soon landed, some for fishing, others for exploring, but the thickness of the scrub prevented our going far, and indeed nothing could be seen without ascending the hills, which the time of day would not permit. Very strong breezes from the westward, with vivid lightning all night, but luckily the vessel held on, although the ground was very steep. Having observed the indications of a strong westerly breeze before dark, I took such bearings as would enable me to run by the compass in the night, had we been blown off.

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