Saturday 12 November 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

Nov 12th On Wednesday Last, 16 Wedder Sheep were sent
from Kingscote to this Station, but on Acct of the high
blustering foul Wind, they were unable to reach this place,
and were obliged to be landed at North Cape, during the Afternoon
in the most miserable plight, being half drown’d and not one
of them able to travel from the Spot on which they were landed
The following Morng found 7 of them dead, 2 missing and
7 alive, which latter, with great difficulty were brought
to this place, some of them so very Weak, had to be carried
by the Men a considerable part of the way, which is a distance
of 5 Miles along the Sea Beach. — We have searched
amongst the Brush-wood ever since to find the Missing Ones,
but without the least success, so that I have no doubt but
that they are dead — One of our little Sow’s was found
dead this Morng with its Throat uncommonly swell’d

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