Saturday 16 April 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

The repairs of our Vessel being completed, and every
thing got on board, with two fresh Sailor’s, and a Cook,
to fill the situations of those who decamp’d (but no One
in the room of Stephen Sessions), we weigh’d Anchor at
10½, A,M, and proceeded to Sea once more, with the Wind
from S,S,W, which contd until 5, P,M when a fine
Breeze sprang up from the Northward, and remain’d so
all Night  ________  In the Afternoon our Capt order’d the
Ewe to be kill’d, which I spoke of Yestdy, as it was in
extreme Misery, and at 4 P,M, one of the Turkey’s,
unfortunately flew overboard and was drown’d  _____

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