Decr 18th Capt Light arrived here to-day in the “Rapid” from Kangaroo Island. It is impossible for him to speak in more depreciating tones than he does of the land adjacent to Port Lincoln, & of the entrance to the harbour xxxx This being the case he considers the position for the site of the chief town as determined, & has therefore returned to Gulf St Vincent with the full intention of making an accurate survey of the harbor & river 8 miles north of Holdfast Bay. The “Tam O’Shanter” left behind her a considerable quantity of excellent porter. This, with other goods, supplied the first store in the Colony, opened by Mr Thomas. I have not had time for making a garden, but some of my brother Colonists have been disposed thus to work, & have planted potatoes, & a variety of early vegetable seeds, thus in most cases succeed well, & afford the promise of a good crop. We have had good supplies of potatoes from Van Dieman’s Land, & have also eaten a vegetable found by the sea-side which I am told is the “Kelp” from which Manilla is manufactured. The leaves & young shoots, well washed & boiled are excellent eating, somewhat resembling the English Spinach. Another plant (which we have not yet tried is also said to be palatable & nutritious.
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Alexander Dawsey
Arthur William Gliddon
Boyle Travers Finniss
Captain Collet Barker
Captain George Martin
Captain John Finlay Duff
Captain John Jones
Captain John Nelson
Captain John Rolls
Captain Robert Morgan
Captain Robert Ross
Captain Whiteman Freeman
Charles Mann
Charles S Hare
Dr Charles Everard
Dr John Woodforde
Edward Gibbon Wakefield
George Fife Angas
George Glansford
George Kingston
George Stevenson
Governor Hindmarsh
Harriet Gouger
Henry Wallan
James Hurtle Fisher
John Brown
John Day
John Michael Skipper
John Morphett
John Pirie journal writer
John White
Joseph and James Jones
Mary Thomas
Robert Gouger
Robert Thomas
Robert Torrens
Rosina Ferguson
Samuel Stephens
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William Deacon
William Light
William Pullen
Young Bingham Hutchinson
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