Thursday Octr 13. To-day at 12 upwards of 120 miles from Rio
This evening, Mr Fisher, the resident Commissioner fell down on deck
in an epileptic fit, from which he seemed to suffer much. From the
coolness with which his family looked on amid the general alarm I appre-
-hend that he is subject to such attacks. If the Commissioners at home did
not know of the fact, I think it would be right to inform them, as no
provision that I know of has been made to carry on the duties of his
situation in the event of his being suddenly incapacitated. Another characte
ristic bit of authority on board to-day. The dogs belonging to the passengers
have been refused their modicum of water; those belonging to the Captain
were not included of course. Not to say a word on the score of humanity,
popularity is known to be very fleeting & his Excellency therefore takes
no care to secure even the smallest portion of that perishable commodity
But the expression of disgust was too strong & general upon the subject
to be resisted, & the order was rescinded in the course of the evening
in the hope that the malcontents would be duly sensible of the
favor done them by the non-exercise of the power possessed at sea
by a Captain in the Royal Navy!
Thursday 13 October 1836
[George Stevenson, on board the Buffalo wrote. | Read source notes.]
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Alexander Dawsey
Arthur William Gliddon
Boyle Travers Finniss
Captain Collet Barker
Captain George Martin
Captain John Finlay Duff
Captain John Jones
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Captain Robert Ross
Captain Whiteman Freeman
Charles Mann
Charles S Hare
Dr Charles Everard
Dr John Woodforde
Edward Gibbon Wakefield
George Fife Angas
George Glansford
George Kingston
George Stevenson
Governor Hindmarsh
Harriet Gouger
Henry Wallan
James Hurtle Fisher
John Brown
John Day
John Michael Skipper
John Morphett
John Pirie journal writer
John White
Joseph and James Jones
Mary Thomas
Robert Gouger
Robert Thomas
Robert Torrens
Rosina Ferguson
Samuel Stephens
The Beare family
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William Deacon
William Light
William Pullen
Young Bingham Hutchinson
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