Wednesday 31 August 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

Wednesday August 30. [sic] Four weeks at sea this day.
We have now made nearly three thousand miles in
latitude exclusive of about seventeen degrees of west
longitude; so that upon the whole the clumsy old ship
has done pretty well. But the system of sailing adopted
on board by the express order of the Captain, evidently as-
-tonishes and disconcerts the Officers while it has the
more injurious effect of protracting our voyage very
greatly and unnecessarily. We shorten sail every night.
It matters not whether it blows or is moderate, clear or
dark, fair steady wind or squally, at six o’clock certain
sails are lowered, and a mile or more an hour is regularly
taken from the ship’s way by following the exploded practice
of making her “snug for the night.” This is sad trifling,
and for a vessel under strict orders to reach its destination
as speedily as possible, seems too much. The Governor told
us to-day that we shall go to Rio de Janeiro, as our
water will not last us beyond that port. I presume
we must go to Rio. I have no other reason but the necessity
that exists for believing that we will really do so; certainly
no additional dependence because of the Captain’s
expressed intention. In the many communings I have
lately had with Mr Fisher we have both come to the
conclusion that the Governor is never less likely to do any
thing when he positively announces it to be his “firm
determination”. This trait of his character has unfortunately
become conspicuous, and has not by any means enhanced
the respect of either the Passengers or the Emigrants.

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