Friday 13 May 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

We have had very fine Winds since Sunday, varying from
E,N,E, to N,N,E, and generally a clever Breeze, but
sometimes it would lower a little, during all which time
the heat has been uncommonly powerful,  ________
At 8, A,M, a Vessel hove in sight astern (being the first
we have seen since the 28th Ult, She sailed remarkably
fast, and was soon near enough, for us to make her out,
to be a suspicious looking Schooner, so all our Muskets
&c, were got ready, in case of being attacked, we therefore
hoisted our Colours, when She was about 2, or 3, Miles, off us,
and which, in the course of ¼ of an Hour, was answer’d by
her, showing the Flag of Portugal, She then hauled close
to the Wind, and was soon out of sight, there is little doubt
but She was either a Pirate, or Slave Vessel,   ______

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