Friday 23 December 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

Friday, Decr 23. Fresh breezes & fine. Wind Easterly variable.
1.30. Tacked. 6.40. Tacked. 8. Mode & fine. Miles run,
100 + 16075 = 16175. Late 35E21′ So. Longe 135E45′. Et.
P.M. Light winds & fine. 1. Tacked. 3. Wind ESE.
Set studg sails. 6.30. Shortened sail. Wind very light. Sent
a boat ahead to sound, running to the No between Williams’s
island & Thistle island. 10. Passed Williams’s island. A fine
moonlight night. Standing up towards Port Lincoln: Going
about 1 knot. Struck a porpoise with the harpoon, & haul-
-ed him in. Ate a piece of him (not bad.) 12. Light airs.

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