Friday 30 September 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

30th This morning the Colonel with 4 men & myself left the Brig
with the Hatch Boat & proceed to the sands. The depth of water we got
in the sea reach was quite enough for any purpose, at the extreme
of the second (a long & splendid reach) we bore away through
the channel I came though yesterday (now styled North
channel & eventually likely to become the chief anchorage) and
followed a large creek diverging from it towards the Hills
We carried good water for a considerable distance, at last
were effectually stopped by the shoals there being no good
landing or appearance of Fresh water determined on returning
& renew the examination after visiting Port Lincoln. __
It was late before we could clear the shoals so did
not reach the brig till next morning 1st October.

[tooltip color=”grey” text=”A sailing vessel with two square-rigged masts.”] Brig [/tooltip]

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