Monday 10 October 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

9 p.m. Monday, 10th October.

In getting under weigh early this morning we were obliged to ship one of our anchors which had got foul of the other. This accident detained us some time. We again made sail at 10 a.m. and ran back about fifteen miles along the coast to the Southward with the intention of going to Yallogalanga (or Rapid Bay) when the wind shifted to the Southward and the weather assuming a threatening aspect we again bore up for the anchorage, we left about two miles from which we came to at 7 p.m. the wind falling light. We saw the entrance of another river just before we bore up and Pullen went in the gig to examine it. He describes it as a considerable stream with the water salt at the mouth. There was a bar over which the rollers broke heavily and he does not think there is a passage for anything larger than our surveying boat.

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