Monday 16 May 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

16th. This day was set apart to scouring the Decks which was superintended by Captain Lipson, every box and bed was brought upon Deck. Adams was very insolent and even mutinous, threatening with death Rogers or anyone who should obey Kingston. He was silenced by Captain Lipson, telling him he would land him at the Cape. James Hoare was drunk and very troublesome. The day before I had made some remarks to him about the want of attention to her duty displayed by his wife, who had now for some days been reported well by the Surgeon, but persisted in keeping below. James Hoare begged me to make another agreement, not including his wife, which I was very glad to accede to.

The whole crew got drunk this day, and were in a state of mutiny, constant complaints were urged by Kingston regarding the cuddy table, bad sugar, bad tea, scanty supply of meat. Bad management, plates and cups always dirty. Sour porter, not ripe. Nothing for breakfast but salt pork. Table too short to hold all the passengers. Constant wrangling with the Captain. The Captain would not permit us to see the log slate or the charts, would not allow the Mates to lend any; would not take any altitude to assist in the lunars, would not allow the Mates to do so.

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