Saturday 14 May 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

There has been a light Air of Wind, all Night, from E,N,E,
but at 8, A,M, it became quite Calm, and the heat was
really intolerable untill 2, P,M, at which time, a gentle Breeze
sprang up again from E,N,E, which made it a little more
cool, but at 6, P,M, we had another Calm   ______   Most of
the Passengers have slept upon Deck, every Night, for
the last Week, as the Steerage is like a hot Oven,  ______
We have seen a great number of Porpoises, and other large
Fish, swiming about the Vessel, for several Days past, but
have never been able to catch One, untill this Morng, when
at 6, O’Clock, (having made a Shark-hook out of an Iron
Bolt,) we had the pleasure to haul in One of these voracious
Animals, which was afterwards Cook’d, and consider’d a great
treat by the People, who it served to every Meal, du-
-ring the Day   _____________

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