Sunday 24 July 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

Mr Everard again read prayers omitting nothing of that usually read in churches but introducing a suitable prayer for the success of the voyage and of its object.

This morning the sun was vertical, and we are now south of it. Although we shall henceforth be receding from the sun, still if we experience, as is most probable, calms and very light winds about the equator, the heat will be much more oppressive than at present. Today it is 80o in my cabin in the shade & with a thorough draft.

By way of proof how very favorable has been our voyage hitherto, and how little there is to dread in venturing to the southern hemisphere at this season of the year, I may record the interesting & important facts, that I have been sea sick but once, and then for not longer than five minutes at the very outside, that I have not missed one meal on board (unless grog at night is called a meal for this I carefully eschew);  and that I have shaved myself every day but one, and that too without once cutting myself… This information again is for the especial consideration and encouragement of Household . –  It is true I prepared myself by taking two or three doses of calomel & colocynth, and I much question whether Harriet’s illness might not have been altogether prevented, at any rate have been less afflictive, if she had followed my example.

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