Sunday 29 May 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

We have had a clever little Breeze from S,E, since Thursday
and very fine Weather, until yestdy Eveng at 6, O’Clock,
when it became rather Squally, accompd by heavy Showers
of Rain, and this Morng, at 8, O’Clock, a reef was taken in
the Fore top Sail, as the Wind had then increased to a
strong Breeze from E,S,E, and has remain’d so all Day,
with a strong head Sea, which causes the Vessel to pitch,
and tumble about, very much indeed, and make a great
deal of Water, but She has leaked considerably, ever
since leaving Dartmouth, when upon the larboard Tack,
although her top Sides were overhaul’d, and partially
Caulked, at that place   _____________

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