Thursday 30 June 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

Most part of this 24 hours strong gales from the
westward with thick cloudy weather with heavy
rains at 8 AM made the Island of
about 3 leagues off bearing by compass ENE a
heigh sea shipt much water on the deck no Observation
I had verry little rest dureing the night was much
at the throne of grace I felt confident in some
measure that God whould be with me as I passed
through the waters but yet not to a full assureance
of Faith but I promiced if God whould delive us
I whould praise Him at 8 in the morning we saw
the land Bless the Lord O my soul all within me
bless His name in the everning read to a few the
107 Psalm with a letter from the youths magazine
after sung with the boys and the little girl and our
hearts was glad

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