Thursday 7 April 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

7th. Still beating off Portland! Wind N.W.

Remark 1. Nearly 3 weeks at sea between decks, still lumbered up, also the deck, Kingston complaining of the dirt below. I suggested that with troops, the men were ordered to parade with bare feet. He immediately determined to act upon this, and gave an order accordingly, Adams (six passengers were named ‘Adams’) did not think proper to obey, but after some warning did so. The married passengers Chapman, Bristow, Hoare, Brown? etc did not appear.

An untoward circumstance occurred soon after passing St. Antonio. one of the Cape Verde Islands. A favourite setter belonging to a passenger was thrown overboard during the night. Presumptive evidence fixed this act upon none [?] of the sailors.

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