Tuesday 16 August 1836

[, on board the wrote.]

At 8, A,M, of Yestdy, the Wind commenced blowing
very strong from N,N,E, and contd increasing
all Day, untill it put us under close reef’d
Sails, causing a cross jump of a Sea, to rise
in Investigator Straits, while we were beating
up, but at 11, P,M, it suddenly shifted to the West-
-ward, in a trimendious Squall, and has remain’d
a fresh Breeze, from that Art, to the close of
this Day,   ________   At 9, A,M, we rounded Point
Marsden, and had the pleasure of seeing two Barques
at Anchor in “Nepean Bay”, which proves to be
the “Duke of York”, and “Lady Mary Pelham’,
they had arrd about 3 Weeks before us  ____
In the course of an Hour, we were visited by
Sml Stephens Esqr, C,M, who was saluted with
three times three Cheer’s, and shortly afterwards a
Boat came from each of the Vessels, in one of
which was Capt Morgan of the “Duke of York”, who
undertook to be our Pilot, and at 3, P,M, we were
safely Anchor’d in a well shelter’d Roadstead, not
more than a Mile, distant from the Shore, and
right abreast, of the Company’s Tents, at the “New-
-Colony” of “South Australia”   _____

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