Tuesday 20 September 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

This 24 hours gentle breeses from the NE fine weather
at 7 fired a gun a signal for sailing and hove in
some cable at 9 hove the anchor off the ground but
found the vessel canted the rong way gave the ship
cable again and got out the cadge to cant the ship
hove up the anchor again and made sail but sailing
across the flats found we had not water anough but
by the assistance of our cadge and warp got over they
saluted us from the companys settlement with 14
guns and we returned 7 and hoisted our signal
May you live in Peace — we made all sail from
this infant setlement praying this barren land
may become a fruitfull field in Gods vineyard
In the everning we had family prayer read the scr
iptures we have received many a Refreshing season
from the Lord in this barren land bless the Lord O my Soul
at 6 PM Kangaroo Island point bore by compass SW by W
and Pages Island E½N distance 4 miles reeft the topsails

This prayer was given me by request from a friend
O Almighty and most mercyfull Father infinate and eternal
who art the protector of all them that put their trust in thee we [though?]
humble unworthy servents do now desire to offer this our prayer
and thanks giveing unto the[e] for thy kind and mercyfull
providence in protecting and preserveing us dureing our
long and tedious voyage/passage upon the deep and wide waters
and in landing us safe upon these shores many where
the dangers incident to our condition but thou O Lord
has preserved us from all and we beg of thee O Father
of heaven to continue these thy loveing mercyes towards
us and keep from all things that may molest or hurt
us in this desert land and do thou give us hearts to be
sufficently thankfull for all thy blessings bestowed upon
us we beseach thee to bless and preserve all our fellow
colonists and grant that they may be safely and happily
landed here pour down thy holy sperit upon us and
bless all our endeavours and give us that pierty and pure
ty of heart that we may be enabled to discharge the dutys
of our calling with that fervency of zeal befitting thy
servants and become as instruments towards the promo
tion of thy glory in this heathen land may it please
thee to guide and direct us in all our devotionall
religious and worldly exercises to that by a devote holy
and pious behaveour we may be enabled to establish a
good foundation of a new and happy colony and finally
O Lord we beseech thee to bless our native Isle and
all our relatives and friends that however far we
may all walk in the same sperit of faith unity and
love so that in the end we may secure that eternal
rest which thou hast prepared for all them that love
fear and obey thee grant these thy mercyes O gratious
Father for thy dear son Jesus Christs sake our most
blessed savior Amen

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