Tuesday 6 December 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

Tuesday Dec 6th The Boats came up this Morng and succeeded
in taking away every thing that could be muster’d here, our
Live Stock, consisted of the Merino Rams, 2 do Ewes, 2 Leicers-
-ter Rams, 6 do Ewes, 2 So Down Rams, 1 do Ewe,
and 3 Wedder Sheep, besides 3 Boars, 7 Sows, 2 small
Pigs, and 10 Geese.   ____    Unfortunately 2 of our So Down
Ewes, and 1 Leicester Ewe died this Morng, which I can
attribute to no other cause but the want of substantial Food,
for the Grass they have been living upon since Thursday last
is so Dry & burnt by the Sun, that very little nourishment
indeed, can be obtain’d from it, and several of our Sheep
have become uncommonly Weak in consequence of being so
long confined on such miserable stuff, as we hourly expect
the Boats arrival ever since that Day, to take them from
this place of starvation.

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