Wednesday 12 October 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

Wednesday, Octr 12. Light airs & fine. N.E. 5.30. Weighed & made
sail. The English & French boats took us in tow.
6.45. The boats left us. 7. Becalmed & in a strong tide
under the Sugar-loaf. Anchored again in         fathoms.
10.30. A Moderate breeze from E.S.E. Weighed & commenced
beating out: hove to & hoisted up the boats. Miles run, 10
+ 6702 = 6712 at Noon. P.M. Fresh breezes & fine.
2.30. Raza island. W.b N. 2 miles: Midnight. Do Wr.

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