Wednesday 20 April 1836

[, on board the wrote. | Read source notes.]

This 24 hours moderate breeses and cloudy weather
wind from the NEd saw a strange sail PM took
in all the studingsails and run under easy sail
Lattd 36.53 N Long 15.34 West
In watching this morning for a meridian altd, she
kept clouded well I thought Jehovah could cause those
clouds to disperce but still I do nont look for it nor
expect it but the clouds cleared away just time
anough for me to git a good altd now may I not
thank God from my heart just as much as if
they where cleared away personly for me I do praise
God for it and man takes away my joy In the everning
many came to prayers read the 8th chapt of Luke
with a surmon on the joy of a christain and we
sung three hymns Mr Richards and myself exhorted
the people to give up thier sins and come to Christ
for pardon we both prayed and hope in God to
see a good rought among the people

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