Wednesday 3 August 1836

[, on board the wrote.]

On Saturday Night, the Wind increased to another heavy
Gale, from nearly due West, which contd without the
least abatement, accompd by Lightning, Hail, and
Rain, untill Yestdy Afternoon, before it moderated, and since
which time, has been shifting about, between S,S,W, and West,
while the Sea, is most terribly high and cross   ________
This Eveng, we are by calculation in a Parallel of Long,
with “Cape Leuwen”, which lies in 115E6’ E, Long, and
34E20’ S, Lat, but we are over far off, to distinguish
it, being in 36E47’ S, Lat,   ___________
One of the Ram’s is getting better again, and the Ewe’s
are still in good Health, notwithstanding all the hard-
-ship’s, they have endured    ____________

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