At long last fair conditions prevail for the travelers and they make good progress. But danger still stalks the Duke of York. Lucy Beare becomes dangerously ill and almost dies. Reading between the lines, it seems likely that she gave birth to a child (family history says it was a daughter) who was still-born. Her health remains fragile, perhaps as a result. And then a young crew member almost drowns while bathing. Captain Morgan is much troubled by these events. ‘Dangers stand thick all around to push us to the tomb’ he writes in his dairy.
By contrast the John Pirie has an uneventful week in which the passengers and crew have time to observe their first [tooltip color=”grey” text=”A family of marine fish (Exocoetidae family) consisting on some 64 species. The species’ defining feature is their wing-like pectoral fins used for gliding above the water’s surface for up to 50 metres. Flying fish live in all oceans, but are particularly prevalent in warm tropical and sub-tropical waters.”] flying fish [/tooltip] and to indulge in a spot of fishing, while the Rapid, commanded by Colonel William Light, begins its journey.