Duke of York passenger list

It is impossible to be sure of who was on board the Duke of York. The ‘Register of Emigrant Labourers Applying for a Free Passage to South Australia’ lists those people considering life in the new colony and generally indicates on which ship those deciding to proceed were embarked. However uncertainty arises from clerical errors, last minute changes, and desertions. Together with the South Australian Company’s other officers and servants, the Duke of York’s crew was considered to be an addition to the colony’s population, so those eligible are named in the ‘Register of Emigrant Labourers’ as well as the Directors’ Minutes, which recorded all engagements. The personal journal of Captain Morgan confirms the identity of many on board and names those leaving the ship. Mistakes have crept into lists of passengers compiled over the years as a result of faulty memory or confusion, and no proof other than his obituary has been found for the frequent inclusion of W.H. Hamilton as a crewman. From accounts of the John Pirie’s voyage it is clear that brothers Charles and James Powell, who were to have gone by the Duke of York, both sailed instead by that vessel, leaving Charles Bendin Powell (who was no relation) on the Duke of York.


Master: Robert Clarke Morgan
Mates: William Richards
Robert Frazier Russell
Julian Coreys


Thomas Batchelor
George Branan
Henry Butler
George Cartwright
John Claidan
William Edward Clavell
George Dorrington
Charles R.P. Forbes
George Glansford
Octavius Glorious
Henry Green
Joseph Jameson
John Jones
Thomas Liddiard
Thomas Marshall
Israel Mazey
Andrew Porteus
Frederick Pritchard (gaoled at Torbay)
James Riley (left at Torbay)
W.B. Spratley
Charles Thompson
William Wells (deserted at Torbay)
William Williams

Passengers and emigrants:

Charlotte Hudson Beare
Thomas Hudson Beare
Mrs Lucy Ann Beare
William Loose Beare
Lucy Ann Beare
Arabella Charlotte Beare
Elizabeth Beare
Henry Mitchell
John Neale
Charles Bendin Powell
Daniel Henry Schreyvogel
Samuel Stephens (Colonial Manager of the S.A. Co.)
William West

Information compiled by Mr Bob Sexton

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