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Thursday 8 September 1836

8th. A beautiful day & a happy one to me. We are all going along in excellent temper & good discipline my last rebel (Mr Schreyvogel) this morning came & asked my pardon & requested I would allow him to resume his duties. I did so immediately, & fancy that I shall not in a hurry have any of them attempt to play the same pranks. I have been severely tried for the last 6 weeks but thank God that I have been sustained & that I have good reason to suppose peace & good order is now permanently established…

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Thursday 8 September 1836

8 September-Very light airs; at six got under way, and stood for the N.W. bluff; at thirty minutes p.m. came to an anchor in ten fathoms, a beautiful little valley in view. At two, I went on shore, and was enchanted with the appearance of the whole. A fine stream of fresh water ran through the middle of the valley into the sea, and the soil was rich beyond expectation; my hopes were now raised to a pitch I cannot describe. I walked up one of the hills, and was delighted to find that as far as I could see, all around, there was an appearance of fertility, and a total absence of those wastes and barren spots, which the accounts I received in England had led me to expect.

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Wednesday 7 September 1836

Every [sic] this morning goes on pleasantly. Capn Martin with 3 of the Islanders, 2 sailors (found by me), 1 native man & 2 Women, Arms & provisions &c &c set out in my boat for the main intending however to sleep the 2 first nights on the Banks of the “Morgan” & at Kangaroo […]

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Wednesday 7 September 1836

We left Nepean Bay at 9 a.m. this morning to proceed to Gulf St. Vincent, but at 3 p.m. it fell so calm that we were obliged to drop anchor about halfway across the passage – There was a fine breeze all the morning but as it was not fair, which together with the tide […]

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Wednesday 7 September 1836

7 September-At half past eight, light airs and fine, got under way for Gulf St Vincent; at half past three, becalmed, with no prospect of a breeze; came to an anchor outside the shoal.

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Wednesday 7 September 1836

Wednsday Sept 7 S – E               2 points off her Course Running 7 Nots Qr W no B

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Wednesday 7 September 1836

Wednesday, Septr 7. Modte & fine. Wind S.W.b S. Head S.E.b S. Noon. Do Wr. Miles run, 104 + 3471 = 3575. Lat. 4E3′ No. Longe 15E. P.M. 2.30. Tacked, having fallen off to E.S.E. Passed a Dutch brig to leeward, which we passed to windward 5 or 6 days since. Head W.b S. Sunset. […]

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Wednesday 7 September 1836

Wedensday          September 7th 1836 This 24 hours light wind and calms received on board 20 casks of water from the well and 6 casks of salt provitions for ships use got on board our boats from the beach carpenter employd fitting boats davids the Rapid saild out In the everning had family prayer read to […]

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Wednesday 7 September 1836

SEPTEMBER 7.-The weather still rough and wind contrary, sending us back towards London. Thermometer reduced to 61 degrees.

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Tuesday 6 September 1836

… We have hired one of the Sealers and his two native women to go to [tooltip color=”grey” text=”the Mainland”] the Main [/tooltip] with us, and as they have capital dogs they will answer a double purpose, that of providing fresh food, and by means of the women conciliating the natives should they prove hostile. The Sealers living on Kangaroo Island are Englishmen – some of them having deserted their ships to settle here – and others being runaway convicts from Sydney. We were given to understand that they were little better than pirates, but were agreeably surprised to find them a civil set of men and they will be of much use in forming a colony here. For their honesty I cannot answer as we do not put temptation in their way. Some of these men have whale boats in which they frequently cross over to Cape Jervis from which place they have at different times stolen the women who now live with them. These women are very clever at snaring game and fish for their Keepers whilst the men remain at their little farms on the Island. One of these by the name of Walland has a farm about seven miles up the river which does him great credit as he has several acres of flourishing wheat and most of the English vegetables. He has been fourteen years on the Island and is called the “Governor” – he has two native wives.

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Tuesday 6 September 1836

6 September-Making arrangements for our departure from Nepean Bay, went on shore to engage one of the sealers.

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Tuesday 6 September 1836

6th The hands went to work this morning in good style under their respective officers. I lay in bed till after 6 & on rising most sincerely rendered thanks to Almighty God for the now really happy, orderly & industrious appearance of our settlement. A more marked change I never witnessed…

… James Jones came to day to solicit employment, and I allowed Mr Beare to engage him at 2/- per day his wages under the agreement he has violated were 15/- pr week with [illegible word] &c certain employment &c – so that besides making an example the Company are gainers by his rebellion

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Tuesday 6 September 1836

Tuesday Sept 6th 1836
W,S,W, Running 7 Knots
the trial of William Walters
Came on at 10 OClock he
was acquitted for the Want of
further Everdance

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Tuesday 6 September 1836

Teusday           September 6th 1836 This 24 hours fine plesent weather with wind from the SEd sent 11 casks for water to the well received on board 10 casks of flower 4 beef 4 pork 60 gall treakle for the use of the crew some of the people empd painting the Ship  ____ In the evening […]

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Tuesday 6 September 1836

Tuesday, Septr 6. Moderate & fine. A little rain occasionally. Wind S.W. Head S.S.E. Noon. Do Wr. Miles run 103 + 3368 = 3471. Late 5E00′ No. Longe 17E. P.M. Do Wr. Sunset. Beat to Quarters, & in 2d reefs of the topsails. Squally at times.

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Tuesday 6 September 1836

SEPTEMBER 6.-The rough weather still continued, and but few of the passengers ventured on deck, not liking to be so exposed to wind and water. Nevertheless, I preferred taking a view of the sea, of which I was always an enthusiastic admirer, and the sight, though awfully grand, was truly beautiful, and what made it […]

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Tuesday 6 September 1836

Sept 6th The Sheep sheds being finish’d at Noon, Powell assisted by Mitchell, commenc’d erecting himself a Cottage  ___

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Monday 5 September 1836

Before breakfast I again visited my patients on board the “Duke of York” and at the tents on shore I have had the satisfaction of dismissing from the list two which I am endeavouring to get sent to the hospital at Hobart Town. One of these is suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism and […]

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Monday 5 September 1836

Sept 5th At Noon, Bates & Powell (who had gone to Kingscote on Saturday) arrd here, and as it Rain’d considerably in the Afternoon, very little Work was done  ________

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Sunday 4 September 1836

… Harriet remains in excellent health and as she does not allow an hour to pass unemployed, she is in tolerably good spirits. It cannot be matter of surprize if she finds herself sometimes sighing after absent friends, more especially as she has failed to discern one among the passengers with whom she is likely to form a close intimacy. Her time is spent in needlework, and mine between reading to her, renewing my acquaintance with figures, and amusing myself with my goats. —

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Monday 5 September 1836

Monday, Septr 5. Modte & fine. Scrubbed hammocks & clothes.
Head S.b E. Wind S.W.b W. Out all reefs of the topsails.
Noon. Do Wr. Miles run, 87 + 3281 = 3368. Late 6E27′ No. Longe 18E
29′ Wt. The dog “Lion” fell overboard from the forechains, and
was a long way astern before he was discovered: tacked to
pick him up; lowered a boat for the purpose: no worse.
P.M. Do Wr. 8. Modte & cloudy. Midnight. Do Wr.

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Monday 5 September 1836

5th Rose & set the hands to work &c as usual – at ½ past 9 Mr Birdseye made his first appearance & was asked by Capn Martin (who was ashore with me by 10 M. P. 6 A.M.) to go on board. About ½ past 10 the Capn, Mr Beare & Mr Birdseye Put off & I followed soon after. Capn Martin by his exceedingly judicious behaviour to day has indeed rendered valuable service to the Company. Both the officers agreed to return to their duty heartily. I shook hands with them in the Cabin. We all returned to the shore together & they took tea & supper with me. On our return I had all the men called together & with my officers (for the first time) by my side gave them a short address in reference both to the past & to the future, gave them my rules & intentions as to their future Discipline, time of labour, general behaviour &c & they all retired pleasantly. James & Joseph Jones came in to ask for employment again. I allowed Joseph to return to his duty under his former agreement but James being a worthless fellow & this being a fair opportunity of setting a wholesome example, I would not receive him. I told him that if Mr Beare wanted an extra hand for a few days at any time he was at liberty to engage him at reduced wages & I would recover his advance as I might be able.

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Sunday 4 September 1836

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4.-The thermometer was now lowered to 70 degrees, and we found it necessary to resume some of the clothing which we were glad to dispense with while passing through the tropics.

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Monday 5 September 1836

Monday September 5th 1836
This 24 hours light winds with passing showers of rain.
In the morning sent a boat to fetch our water from the well
and another for the doctor of the Rapid to tend the sick
which he kindly offers his services to. I took a boat and went
to the Pellam has we have had no communication since
she returned. I found Captn Ross in difficulties only himself
to carry on the dutys of the Ship with one mate and him
abed sick the widow of the late chief officer in her cabin sick
allso and no doctor to attend them the Captn dissatisfied
with all round him.

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Sunday 4 September 1836

Sunday, Septr 4. Modte & cloudy. 8. Tacked to the S.Ed. Wind S.S.W. Performed Divine Service, by Revd C. Howard. Noon. Do Wr. Miles run, 81 + 3200 = 3281. Lat. 7E33′ No. Longe 19E48′ Wst So that we lost 21 miles since Noon yesterday. P.M. Modte & fine. Head S.S.E. Wind S.W. 8. Do […]

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Monday 5 September 1836

Monday Sept 5. 1836 S W by S         Very Squarley running 6 Nots Saw Straing Saile

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Sunday 4 September 1836

4 September-Sunday.

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Sunday 4 September 1836

4th (Sunday) This day had been spent by us quietly & orderly but it has been a [tooltip color=”grey” text=”a gloomy state of mind”] Melancholy [/tooltip] day to me. I cannot & will not endure this state of things it shall be mended by some means or other. I had no divine service to day. Capn Martin spent the afternoon with me ashore & we agreed as a last effort to establish order (by fair means) he should invite Mr Beare & Mr Birdseye to lunch on board the following morning & that I should follow in my boat & try whether face to face with them in his Cabin we could not all come to some better understanding.

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Monday 5 September 1836

Monday September 5. To-day the wind became more favorable, but for a few hours only, and our spirits have just been excited at the idea of making some progress to be depressed again at finding the ship tumbling about to its old tune. The weather is amazingly cool, since the beginning of the month the […]

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Sunday 4 September 1836

Sunday      September 4th 1836 This 24 hours light wind from the SW attended with passing showers we held a prayermeeting in the cabin before breackfast and in the forenoon hoisted the bethel flag and some of the John Piries crew and some from the shore with our own crew and Mr Bears children attended with […]

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Monday 5 September 1836

5 September-The Duke of York being on the point of sailing, employed all day writing my reports to the Commissioners.

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Sunday 4 September 1836

This morning I heard that the “Duke of York” was to sail tomorrow for Van Diemen’s Land, consequently I have remained on board writing a letter (No. 1) to my mother.

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Monday 5 September 1836

SEPTEMBER 5.-This morning succeeded the roughest night we had yet experienced. Last evening, at about 6 o’clock. the wind, which had been brisk all day, began to increase. The sky darkened, and rain soon followed. All the passengers were instantly ordered below, at least, all the ladies, but some of the gentlemen chose to remain on deck. The ship, which for the last three weeks had been lying on the [tooltip color=”grey” text=”The starboard is the right side of a ship or a boat perceived by a person on board facing the bow (front).”] starboard [/tooltip] side, on which our cabins were situated, was now shifted to the other, and leaned so much to [tooltip color=”grey” text=”The old term for the left hand side of a ship looking forward. The right hand side is starboard. To avoid mis-hearing an order, it is now referred to as ‘port’.”] larboard [/tooltip] during the whole night that it was with difficulty we could keep ourselves in bed. So apprehensive was I that the children in the next cabin would fall out of their berths, as Mary and Helen slept in the upper one, that soon after midnight I got up and dressed myself to be in readiness if anything should occur to require my assistance. Fortunately, nothing of any consequence happened to them, but the doctor, whose cabin was opposite to ours, was called about 2 o’clock to a woman in the steerage, of the name of Paul, who had been[tooltip color=”grey” text=”a euphamism for childbirth”] taken ill [/tooltip]. This had been expected for some time, and consequently all the men in that part of the vessel were instantly turned out of their berths and sent upon deck for two hours, which in the midst of a cold, dark, and stormy night could not be very agreeable. In the meantime, however, a new passenger made his appearance in the form of a male infant, thus bringing the total number of souls on board to exactly one hundred. The child was born amidst the roaring of the wind, the splashing of the waters, and the incessant rocking of the ship, and was afterwards named James Africaine, in memory of his having been born on that vessel.

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Sunday 4 September 1836

Sunday Sept 4 S.S.W              Blowing fresh running 5 Knots Clark and my Selfe filled 2 Large Casks

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Saturday 3 September 1836

SEPTEMBER 3.-Several Cape pigeons flying about the vessel. We had now a fair wind, and were going at a good rate.

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Saturday 3 September 1836

… In the everning had family worship Mrs Bear is
much better and I had the pleasure of seeing her
children restored to her and she acknoledge them which
she has not lately, I believe this is an answer to prayers.

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Saturday 3 September 1836

3rd Called the hands at ½ past 5 A.M. & went on as before & often, very often, looked out in hopes of seeing the Emma that I might get one officer at last to stand by his post & assist me in the present emergency. I have still no communication from the L.M.P. At night paid the men & afterwards received a note from the two men (James & Joseph Jones) who deserted their duty last Monday begging that I would receive them again!!

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Saturday 3 September 1836

I have not left the vessel today as it has been blowing a gale and the weather has been in other respects as disagreeable as it was yesterday. Field, I am happy to say, is better. My occupations have been reading, mending old clothes and cleaning my gun.

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Saturday 3 September 1836

3 September-Bad weather all day, and nothing done.

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Saturday 3 September 1836

                       Saturday Sept 4 S.S.W              Parker fell and Cut                         the Cap of his knee and                         the Boy Joe fell over Bord                         We was be Calmed 2 Nots

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Saturday 3 September 1836

Saturday, Sept 3. Modte & squally, rain at times. Wind SW, & Head W.N.W. Miles run, 89 + 3111 = 3200. Noon. Do Wr. Lat.7E12′ No. Long. 19E13′ Wt so that we had lost 20 miles during the 24 hours. P.M. Squally with rain. Four sail in sight on a wind.

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Friday 2 September 1836

Went on board the “Duke of York” and as Frill [Field?] was very ill remained on board all the rest of the day.

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Friday 2 September 1836

Friday, Septr 2. Moderate breezes & cloudy. Wind S.W. Head S.S.E. Miles run 88 + 3111 = 3199. Noon. Late 6E51′ No. Longe 19E 13′ Wt. P.M. 4. Do Wr. Tacked, wind, SW. 8. Modte & squally occly.

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Friday 2 September 1836

… Some of the runaway sailors coming in I gave them a small supply of provisions but told them I could not further communicate with them while Capn Ross was in the Bay. I had to manage the men myself to day as usual, having no one to assist me, except Mr Birdseye who appears at the store for 3 or 4 hours in the middle of the day.

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Friday 2 September 1836

2 September-Too hazy for any observations.

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Friday 2 September 1836

                                 Friday Sept 3 S.W ½ W        Saw the Ware a Bark                         Laying at St Jagoes Left the                         Same day as we did 5 Nots

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Friday 2 September 1836

Sept 2d At Noon a Boat arrd from Kingscote, with a few Oats, and a Ram, & Sow, that could not be seen, when they brought the others on Monday last  ________

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Friday 2 September 1836

This 24 hours squally weather from the NW to SW employd wooding and other nessary jobs the doctor of the Rapid visited the sick to day we let go the seacond anchor blowing hard In the everning had family prayers in the cabin

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Thursday 1 September 1836

Sepr. 1st. I set the hands to work this morning upon the store & at ½ past 6 sent a message to request Mr Beare would immediately see me under my tent, he replied “if Mr Stephens has any communication for me he must make it in writing & it shall be attended to”. I […]

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Thursday 1 September 1836

September 1st The same favorable breeze continues and the ship is running her course delightfully. Yesterday we passed the Martin Vaz rocks, three in number. One is very small, and at the distance at which we were about thirty miles resembled a large boat; another somewhat larger and apparently about 200 feet high; and. the […]

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Thursday 1 September 1836

SEPTEMBER 1.-We had by this time managed a little better with regard to our cooking, that is, we had made friends with the cabin cook, and by the occasional bribe of a glass of rum he would bake for us whenever he could; sometimes a beef steak pie (salt beef, of course) or a rice pudding (the latter without either eggs or milk) or a dripping cake. Dripping, which in some measure answered the purpose of butter, I purchased from him at a shilling a pound. The wine also was better than at first, whether from the effects of the voyage or not I cannot tell, but we had some of a very fair quality.

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Thursday 1 September 1836

Thursday, September 1. Moderate & cloudy. Wind S.S.W. Head S.E. Miles run, 97 + 3014 = 3111. Noon. Modte & fine. Lat. 7E19′ No. Longe 20E10′ Wt. P.M. Do Wr.

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Thursday 1 September 1836

        Thursday Sept 2 S.S.W              Blowing hard and a Great                         Deal of Rain Running 6½ Nots                         Saw the Wiliam hut

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Thursday 1 September 1836

1 September-Fresh breezes and squally; went on shore to take some angles, but owing to the weather could effect nothing.

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Thursday 1 September 1836

Repeated my visit to the river and have had excellent sport, but was hurried on board by the appearance of a ship in offing which we took to be the long expected “Cygnet”, but found, on her showing her number, that it was the “Pelham” that had put to sea two days before – we […]

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Thursday 1 September 1836

Thursday September 1. A foul wind with a heavy swell
from the South; we are now in the region of what sailors
call “[tooltip color=”grey” text=”winds which frequently shift from one direction to another”] baffling winds [/tooltip]” and must be content to endure what
we cannot avoid. The Emigrants have expressed some
dissatisfaction on the substitution of cocoa for tea, and
in fact are not, upon the whole, made so comfortable as it
would be for the interest of the colony that they should
have been. I have exerted my influence with several
of them, and they consent to bear the disagreeables as well
as they can. Let full justice be done to the body of
Emigrants on board this ship; they have suffered without
much murmuring, though they have had several sufficient
causes for complaint. They have no place where they can
walk or breathe unpolluted air; the [tooltip color=”grey” text=”Sides of a ship raised above deck level to protect objects and crew.”] bulwarks [/tooltip] of the
Buffalo are six feet high; on both sides of the main
deck are rows of filthy hogs kept in pens, generally in
a horrid state of dirt and uncleanness. The Emigrants
can only walk alongside of these animals and inhale
the stench from them: they are forbidden either side of the [tooltip color=”grey” text=”The quareterdeck was the deck between the main mast and the back of the ship.”] quarter-deck [/tooltip] although the officers and passengers have the [tooltip color=”grey” text=”Technically called a stern deck, the poop is an exposed partial deck on the stern (rear) of a ship. It forms the roof of the stern or ‘poop’ cabin. “] poop [/tooltip] or what remains of it unoccupied by hay trusses
& hen-coops to themselves. These things make a deep
and ineffaceable impression on the individuals most
directly affected by their operation, and will tell
eventually. It has been a grand and radical error to
send out the Governor of South Australia in the invidious
and arbitrary character of Captain of the Ship: the
consequences of this act must be severely felt by him
if they be not in their result highly detrimental to the
colony. Common people have difficulty in separating
the acts of the Captain from those of the Governor, and
the trifling doings of the one are not likely to increase
respect when they shall be merged in the more important
functions of the other. A voyage like this calls for the
exercise of more philosophy than falls to the common lot
[tooltip color=”grey” text=”A reference to the teachings of Greek philosopher Zeno.”] Zeno [/tooltip] was never at sea in an Emigrant ship.

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Thursday 1 September 1836

This 24 hours strong winds from the south attended with rain employd as needfull a party cutting wood a sail in sight In the evening held a prayer meeting in the cabin 4 prayed I belive god in Christ was in the midst of us the young man Glansford says O Lord do strengthing us […]

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Thursday 1 September 1836

Sept 1st Mr Stephens paid us a visit to Day, and brought with him a Man, calld Mitchell, to attend upon the Stock __

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Wednesday 31 August 1836

Went on board the ‘Duke of York” at 7 a.m. this morning and was much pleased to find my patient better. Returned to my own vessel after breakfast and have been mending old clothes best part of the morning. The Sealers again visited us this morning bringing with them two native men and a woman belonging to the Main. These men are brothers and one of them is the father of the woman who lives with the Sealers on this Island. They were much better looking than we had expected and probably are a good specimen of their tribe – their stature is about 5’6” and their limbs very small – their complexion dark copper-coloured – their features are coarse but exceedingly good-humoured, occasionally giving way to immoderate fits of laughter especially when we gave them brandy and tobacco of which they seemed very fond. They have large flat noses and exceedingly long beards – their hair is not woolly. They are a very ignorant and indolent set of men depending entirely on their women for the means of subsistence which are very uncertain and which probably accounts for their emaciated appearance.

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Wednesday 31 August 1836

Wednesday August 30. [sic] Four weeks at sea this day. We have now made nearly three thousand miles in latitude exclusive of about seventeen degrees of west longitude; so that upon the whole the clumsy old ship has done pretty well. But the system of sailing adopted on board by the express order of the […]

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Wednesday 31 August 1836

         Wensday Sept 1th W ½ W            Evry one well Stunsells                         Lower and aloft – 2 fowls                         Left Belonging to our                         Mess

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Wednesday 31 August 1836

31 August-Went to examine a fresh water river, about three miles to the southward and eastward; being low water, we could not approach for a long time sufficiently near to find the mouth of it, and a whole day was nearly lost. I at last, as the tide served, was enabled to enter it in […]

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Wednesday 31 August 1836

Augst 31st I had the three unfortunate Sheep & Lamb, laying by the Fire all Night, and find the Ewe & Lamb, considerably better this Morng being able to stand upon their Legs, and eat a little choice Grass, but One of the Rams is dead, & the other not much better  _______   I therefore […]

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Wednesday 31 August 1836

Wednesday, Augt 31. Moderate & cloudy. wind SW. Head SSE. Miles run, 62 + 2952 = 3014. Noon. Mode & cloudy. Lat. 7E50′ No. Longe 21E58′ Wt. P.M. A sail on the weather bow. 6. Shortened sail, wind freshened from the S.S.W.

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Wednesday 31 August 1836

This 24 hours calms and plesent weather employd painting taring and other jobs as needfull we caught a few fish of the salmon kind We had family service in the everning but as it was late and we tired the service was dull I hope by gods grace to be more [h]artyer for the futer

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Wednesday 31 August 1836

31st Rose at ¼ to 6 A.M. & finding that neither men nor officers were stirring (I had arranged that Mr Dawsea was to call the men this morning at ½ past 5) I sounded the call on my trumpet & soon had the men out, no officer of higher rank appearing to take my orders I at 10 minutes past 6 called Mr Wallan the oldest of the Islanders & a man whom I introduced here & always treated as an officer & to him I explained at length the way in which I wished to have a store built to receive “John Pirie’s” Cargo. I directed him to take all hands with him & set about it immediately. All this time I was out in my shirt shoes & dressing gown & at ½ past 6 as I was going to my tent to dress I saw Mr Beare approaching. I took no notice but went into the tent & prepared to dress, when he came in front & without prefixing or adding any other word called out (I supposed to me) “what are the hands to go about today”. I replied “I have told Mr Wallan” & Mr Beare retired. I may as well here record that this was the first morning Mr Beare had ever appeared to receive in any way my orders as from the severe affliction of his wife I had permitted him to remain with her & had further allowed him some hands to assist him occasionally, & had had his 4 Children under the care of his sister living under a tent by me & at my expense. Two nights before this (up to this time I had every reason to pity & respect him) I had mentioned to him that on the morning of 31st I should begin to build a store &c, & that if he would speak to me in the morning (of the 30th) I would explain to him how it should be done he did not however do so ——

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Wednesday 31 August 1836

… We had now been rather more than two months at sea, and though we were all well stocked with clothes I found it necessary sometimes, as, I believe, most of the passengers did, to wash a few small things such as pocket handkerchiefs, partly to prevent them from getting mouldy, a condition to which I found everything very liable, whether dirty or clean. I mention this to show that our supply of water was sufficient with economy for so doing, but I could not boast of their whiteness when washed in muddy water. Some of the steerage passengers, I understand, washed all their clothes. How they managed it I do not know, but one of the women washed for the surgeon I before mentioned (an Irishman), and, of course, charged an extravagant price, which caused him to make the observation in my hearing that every man while on board of ship ought to be his own washerwoman.

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Tuesday 30 August 1836

Started at daybreak with Field and Jacob to shoot along the banks of the river and to see something of the interior of the Island. After the first two miles we were gratified by finding a flat of very superior soil to any we had seen extending many miles on each side of the stream. […]

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Tuesday 30 August 1836

Tuesday Aug 31, 1836 took on Last raft of Casks on Board 3 OClock Got on the [….] maid all Sail with a fair wind Blowing West. S. West

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Tuesday 30 August 1836

AUGUST 30.-This being Mary’s and my birthday, we managed to make a cake and give a slice of it and a glass of wine to all our young men. I should not have mentioned this, but it also happened to be the birthday of Mr. Hallett, a gentleman in the cabin, and of one or […]

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Tuesday 30 August 1836

30eth This morning early the L.M.P. got under weigh & at 2.P.M. rounded Kangaroo Head. I sent the rest of the live stock to the Lagoon (except 1 ram & 1 pig).

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Tuesday 30 August 1836

30 August-Employed in ascertaining the extent of the shoal, which runs from the northern side of the bay to the southward.

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Tuesday 30 August 1836

Augst 30th This Afternoon all the Merino Sheep came from Kingscote but have been most dreadfully ill used by the Persons who had charge of them across the Bay to this Station, indeed two Rams 1 Ewe, and a Lamb are nearly lifeless, having entirely loss’d the use of their Limbs, by being roughly drag’d […]

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Tuesday 30 August 1836

Tuesday, Augt 30th. Vble weather & wind. rain occasionally. Steering S.S.E. Wind West. One of the seamen, who had been sinking for some time, died this forenoon. Noon. Cloudy with light variable winds. Miles run, 88 + 2864 = 2952. Late 8E40′ No. Longe 22E28′ Wt. P.M. Light variable airs. 6. Buried the corpse of […]

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Tuesday 30 August 1836

This 24 hours calms and plesent weather employd taring painting and other nessary work we cleard our anchors and chains being foul I went on shore to pray in seacreat but found a brother in adversity and indeavoured to bind up his wounds we met in the evening we met I felt some love towards […]

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Tuesday 30 August 1836

Tuesday August 30 Wind fair but the weather unsettled,
the atmosphere heavily charged with electricity. A poor
sailor died this afternoon of [tooltip color=”grey” text=”tuberculosis”] consumption[/tooltip]. He was perfectly
sensible to his latest hour, and spoke of his death with the
calmness and the hope of a Christian. He was ordered to
be buried in the evening, and accordingly by torch light
his body was committed to the deep. Mr Howard read the
prayers of the Church, the crew was silent and attentive, and
the poor fellow’s mess-mate who had nursed him throughout the
whole period of his illness, shewed by his sobbing and tears
that a sailor can feel like a man.

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Thursday 8 September 1836

Sept 8th Yestdy G. Bates began building me a Cottage, and to Day Mitchell took so very unwell, as to be obliged to leave of Work in the Forenoon  ______

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Monday 29 August 1836

29 August-Fresh breezes and squally; went in the [tooltip color=”grey” text=”A class of net fishing boats used on the Thames estuary. The Rapid’s boat was built specially for the Colonization Commissioners by W.T. Gulliver of Wapping”] hatch-boat [/tooltip] to examine the northern side of the bay, distant about four miles from Kingscote. There is a well of fresh water here, dug in the sand, close to high water mark, which supplies the settlers at Kingscote. The country here is low, and the soil appeared much better than that we had seen before; and altogether, it struck me that a settlement might be formed here at some future period, to great advantage.

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Monday 29 August 1836

Went on shore this morning to see a patient at the tents and after refusing a pressing invitation from Mr. Bird’s Eye, one of the Settlers, to dine on walloby and new potatoes, returned on board to clean my gun and make preparations for an early start to the river tomorrow. I picked up two […]

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Sunday 28 August 1836

AUGUST 28.-This morning, at about 8 o’clock, we had a specimen of ship discipline which, however necessary it may be to maintain subordination, was nevertheless disgusting to the passengers. One of the sailors, who happened to be at the helm, received some orders from the chief mate which he swore he would not obey, and made use of some very abusive language, whereupon the mate struck him. Catching hold of the binnacle, the man overturned it and broke the compass, cutting his head at the same time. The captain was then called, and he also struck the man several times. Some sailors having been called up, the captive’s hands were tied behind him, and he was fastened to a hencoop on the deck, where he remained the greater part of the day. But what made the incident appear worse was that it happened to be Sunday, and we had Divine Service with the culprit in full view, the blood streaming down his face. The man was, I believe, often abusive, but yet it was thought by some that the punishment exceeded the offence, especially as it was well known that the mate was, on account of his surly behaviour, by no means a favourite with the crew, or, indeed, with anyone else on board the vessel.

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Monday 29 August 1836

Monday, Augt 29. Modte & fine wr. Empd washing clothes. A heavy swell from S.W. Wind S.W. Head S.S.E. Miles run, 78 + 2786 = 2864. Lat. 9E54′ No. Longe 23E33′ Wt. P.M. Do Wr. Sunset. Cloudy with lightning.

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Sunday 28 August 1836

… in the afternoon Jones & Glansford and myself
went on shore and in the bush by the sea side we
powered out our prayer at a throne of grace and
was refreshed in the wilderness in the settlement they
had the coulours flying and the fidle playing and dancing
selebrating a sailors weding Captn Martain had maried
them one of his crew to one of the emigrants

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Sunday 28 August 1836

28 August-Sunday.

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Monday 29 August 1836

29th Sent half the live stock to the Salt Lagoon & propose sending the remainder tomorrow. Two of the Company’s Servants James Jones & Joseph Jones refused to proceed with Mr Dawsea & the other hands to the Lagoon & assist in getting the stock from the boat to our station unless I would allow […]

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Sunday 28 August 1836

The Bay has presented today a singular scene of bustle and merriment on the occasion of a wedding on board the ‘John Pirie’. The ceremony was performed by the Captain after which the happy pair proceeded to the tents where the marriage dinner was prepared. Our crew was invited to the feast which wound up with one or two amicable fights, amongst which the Bride and Bridegroom were conspicuous. The afternoon being very fine I went on shore for a walk but was very soon driven on board again by my implacable enemies – the mosquitoes. They use me very ill and cause me so much irritation on my skin that I am obliged to scratch for half an hour at a time and the consequence is that the bites soon degenerate into ulcers. I have been diligent in my search for Butterflies for dear Melliora but have, as yet, been very unsuccessful. There are, however, some very good shells on the beach and I hope soon to make a collection for her.

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Monday 29 August 1836

Monday Aug 30th 1836 […] Mr Lee and Mrs Lee went on Shore with Mr J White Bought 3 fowls at one Shilling Each the rose lost a young woman off from the rocks

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Monday 29 August 1836

This 24 hours moderate breeses from the south employd taring painting and fitting the riggin In the everning had family prayer in the cabin

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Sunday 28 August 1836

Sunday 29 [sic, 28] the Barke Called the rose

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Monday 29 August 1836

Augst 29th On Saturday Eveng all the Men went down to Kingscote
for their Wages and fresh supplies of Provision, leaving me quite
alone untill this Afternoon (Monday) when two of them came back
named Bates & Powell, with a few Sheep, Pigs and grey Peas,
but the other two Men call’d Jones, who are Brothers (and were brought
out, in the “John Pirie”) refused to come with the “Stock”, because
Mr Stephens would not allow them, to bring any Spirituous Liquours.
The Man Bates mentiond above, has been 13 Years on this
Island, and is a very active, civil sort of Fellow _________

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Sunday 28 August 1836

… For Service to-day
had substituted the Articles of War. Surely in the lazy
listlessness of existence at sea there might have been
sufficient time for both – if indeed reading the Mutiny
Act be at all a fitting employment for the day. No
Sunday School. So we thought it would be. What the
plea is we know not. But all this is exceedingly un-
-satisfactory. There are no school books on board to give
to the Emigrants’ children – an unhappy oversight, for
they might have been advantageously instructed during
these long and sleepy days. It will be important to see
that in all future emigrant Ships a person in some
degree qualified to act as Schoolmaster, be sent out.
Next to the Surgeon he would be the most useful person
in the vessel.

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Sunday 28 August 1836

28th (Sunday). The wedding took place this morning with all becoming solemnity & all due honours.

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Sunday 28 August 1836

Sunday, Augt 28. Heavy rain, Wind West. Course South.
Mustered the crew & emigrants, & read the [tooltip color=”grey” text=”The regulations which govern the behaviour of members of the Royal Navy.”] Articles of war [/tooltip] (by the Governor). Lowered the topsails in squalls.
Took in one reef. Noon. Miles run 89 + 2697 = 2786.
Late 10E43′ No. Longe 25E. P.M. Modte with rain. People very
busy catching water in various vessels, water being
scarcer yesterday than brandy or wine: that is to
say that I could get brandy or wine to drink, easier than
water. In 2d reefs of topsails, down royal yards. Rainy.

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Monday 22 August 1836

Nepean Bay. Here we found Mr S. Stevens Manager of
S.A. Company had taken up his quarters The people who had arrived
in the three vessels York, Pelham & Pirie were chiefly
officers & labourers of the said company all busy on shore getting
tents & huts erected and what had for centuries a
wilderness was now teeming with animation and life. The spot
chosen on was about one of the best, but bad is the best no water
to be had except at the well about 5 miles distant in
a Westerly direction near Pt Marsden, the soil very light
and sandy & country at the back of where the location
had been fixed on was densely covered with a species of
tree termed tea tree the decoction of which leaves make
a beverage not at all bad & a good substitute for tea
On the Island were several Sealers runaway Sailors
from the coasting vessels of the other colonies. They told us
there were several good spots on the Island where they
were established living on the produce of their gardens
and a native animal of the size of a rabbat called
waloby, in fact a miniture Kangaroo. These waloby
were caught by their wives (native women, who had
been brought from the Main land
some of them I believe by force, however they seemed to be
contented with their lonely life and from what
I could learn comfortably off as far as house and
provision went all from their own labour. __The Bay is
a fine and extensive anchorage well sheltered from the
severest Gales which generally commence at N.W. hauling
round to the S.S.W. by the Westward. They may be generally
expected at the change of moon. __ we remained here about a fortnight for
the purpose of making a few examinations of the bay and rig the
Hatch boat brought out on purpose for the Survey and placed under
my charge.

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Saturday 27 August 1836

Saturday Aug 28 Went on Shore with Mrs W and Mr Lee and Mrs Lee Came on Bord ½ pt 2 OClock

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Wednesday 24 August 1836

Salt Lagoon Station,
Kangaroo Island, So Australia.

Augst 24th 1836, Four of the Companys Labourers and myself were
sent up to the Salt Lagoon, for the purpose of erecting Sheds
and making a Fence round two small plots of Ground, for the
live Stock, which have all to come up here, there being plenty
of both Water & Grass at present, and where it is intended to
establish a permanent[tooltip color=”grey” text=”The South Australian Company’s whaling station.”] Station [/tooltip]  _________

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Sunday 21 August 1836

Thermometer up to 70 degrees.

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Monday 22 August 1836

The Lantern took fire in Powys’s cabin during his absence. Captain Lipson carried it upon Deck and threw it overboard

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Thursday 25 August 1836

Thursday Aug 26 1836 S.S.W ½ W     With all Stunsells Set Running 6 Knotts

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Thursday 25 August 1836

… I had the people
called aft to know if they where satisfied to have Mr
Dorey as third mate all was willing but Jones and
Jameson We had family prayers after the employ of the day

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Thursday 25 August 1836

Moderate & fine wr. Thermometer 82E in cabin. Course S.S.W. Wind East. All sail set. Miles run, 124 + 2374 = 2498. Lat. 15E40′ No. Longe 26E4′ Wt. Noon. Light winds. P.M. Do Wr. Caught a young dolphin. A Ship in company. Midnight. A large Ship ranged up on our lee quarter, & proved to […]

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Tuesday 23 August 1836

This day our allowance of water, which had hitherto been three quarts daily to each adult and half or two-thirds to children, according to their age, was reduced to one pint for each person. Generally speaking, we had a sufficiency, though it was sometimes such as no one in England would think of giving to a dog. It was as black as ink, with a thick sediment at the bottom, and smelt worse than a stagnant ditch. Those who go to sea, however, must make up their minds not to be over-nice or over-particular about anything.

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Saturday 27 August 1836

27th Spent the day in making various arrangements ashore Received (pr Duke of York’s boats) a note from Capn Ross about the runaway sailors of the L.M.P. Got all the parties concerned to consent to the Marriage of Mary Ann Powell & Wm C. Staple the former a daughter of one of the emigrants the latter one of the “John Pirie’s” Sailors who wished to remain ashore. I had some little difficulty to contend with but am pleased to think that 2 persons who would otherwise have been a scandal to the settlement are now likely rather to be a credit to it. I have taken the necessary affidavits from them both & they are to be married to morrow morning by Capn Martin on board his Schooner.

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Monday 22 August 1836

This day, at about 6 o’clock in the morning, we crossed the Line. I was up and intended being on deck, but was not aware that we were so near it. Now, having cleared the equinox, we got into the trade winds and went at a very good rate, expecting to be at the Cape […]

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Tuesday 23 August 1836

This 24 hours strong gales from the NEd let go the seacond anchor in consequence of the first draging sent a boat to the north cape to fetch our two men that where filling water I went on the rapid to give honour due to whom it is dew saw cournal Light was received kindly […]

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Sunday 21 August 1836

This 24 hours fresh breeses and plesent weather in the morning fitted up the quater deck for publick worship at the usual time hoisted the bethel flag at the main and sent a boat to the John Perie and one on shore for the people to attend and being no minister and no church bell […]

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Thursday 25 August 1836

25th Last night was so tempestuous that I thought for some time both myself & my tent would have been carried away. This morning on rising at ¼ past 5 could not see the L.M.P. even with my glass & was fearful she had been obliged to slip & run to the E. during the […]

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Tuesday 23 August 1836

23. 11 oclock P.M – A great row in
the [tooltip color=”grey” text=”The galley or pantry of a small ship.”] Cuddy [/tooltip] Kingston, the Captain and

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Wednesday 24 August 1836

Modte wind & hazy wr. Wind East. Course S.S.W. All sail set. All awnings spread. Shoals of flying-fish all day. Noon. Miles run, 103 + 2271 = 2374. Lat. 17E46′ No. Long. 25E50′ Wt. P.M. Modte & fine. 8. Do Wr. All night on deck.

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Monday 22 August 1836

… – It is painful to here of
the conduct of our colonial manager how he commits
himself where ever he goes drunkenness is his prevailing
sin and even leaves sailors to put him to bed
a man who has the care of thousands of pounds and
the wellfare of men whomen and children under
his direction the people on shore are like sheep going
astray drunkeness thieft & swareing are the prevailing
sins of this infant establishment and no one to say
and be faithfull that the land is poluted git thee
up hence – what will these poor degraded heathen
say see how these christains live how holy and
happy let me be a christain no no they cannot tell
the truth and say so – but still we hope thing may
have a turn they cannot last this way

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Sunday 21 August 1836

21 August -Early part, hoisting out the surveying boat; at half past eight, observed a boat coming from the westward; at ten, a whale-boat came along side, with Mr S. Stephens and Captain Martin of the John Pirie; at three p.m., sent the gig on shore with Mr Pullen and Mr Woodforde; some spots of […]

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Saturday 27 August 1836

Several nautili having passed close to the shipwithin the last two or three days which could have been pulled up almost with a bucket, I contrived a bag net of about 3 feet diameter to be hung from one of the boats on the ship’s side, and weighted so as to sink in the water […]

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Monday 22 August 1836

Moderate breezes & hazy weather. Wind N.E. Course S.W.b W. All sail set. Scrubbed hammocks & washed clothes. Noon. Do Wr. Miles run, 135 + 2039 = 2174. Lat. 20E51′ No. Longe 24E3′ Wt. P.M. Mode & hazy wr. A flying-fish flew on board & was taken prisoner, & proved an acceptable meal to Mrs […]

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Wednesday 24 August 1836

Wednsday Aug 25
S.S.W ½ W     Mr Allen and
Mrs Allen Got drunk and abused
the Captain by Cawling him a
Scoundral and a Blaguard Caught
one turtle [tooltip color=”grey” text=”Motionless for lack of wind.”] Beclmed [/tooltip] makeing
2½ Knots a hower

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Tuesday 23 August 1836

23rd Rose at ¼ past 5, being exceedingly wet and tempestuous could not set the hands to work. Finished my papers for the L.M.P. boarded her took my leave of Capn Ross & immediately after dinner returned & employed the hands at such work as the weather would permit.

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Sunday 21 August 1836

Next day Sunday Mr S. Stevens of S.A. Company and Captn Martin of John Pirie came on board from Nepean Bay. From them we learnt that three vessels had arrived all belonging to the S.A. Company

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Tuesday 23 August 1836

23 August-Very bad weather, nothing done.

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Friday 26 August 1836

Modte & fine wr. Course South. Wind East. A Ship in Co. All sail set. Noon. Do Wr. Miles run 102 + 2490 = 2600. Lat. 13E43′ No. Longe 25E40′ W. P.M. Do Wr. Passed a Dutch barque.

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Monday 22 August 1836

22nd at 2 P.M. she anchored by the L.M.P. I immediately went ashore. Settled various matters with Capn Ross, arranged the work for the men, wrote to Mr Angas & retired to rest.

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Sunday 21 August 1836

Sunday Aug 22nd [sic, 21st] W.S.W                        fair wind we had Chapell I was Very un well Could Not attend Chapell Gave thomas Some Ink and G W Some Paper Mrs Ketchlove Better Running 6½ Knots

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Saturday 27 August 1836

27 August-Light rain most part of the day; went on shore and took some angles.

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Wednesday 24 August 1836

This 24 hours strong winds from the west sent two boats to fetch the water at 4 PM they returned with six casks the L M Pellam sailed to day and anchored out side the doctor of the Rapid visited our sick and gives little hopes of the young man Bachlor In the everning held […]

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Friday 26 August 1836

26th After rising at ¼ past 5, setting the hands to work breakfasting &c started at ¼ past 7 in my (hired) whale boat manned with 3 hands instead of 5 (I always steer myself) for the Salt Lagoon, distant about 8 miles. Arranged sundry matters there gave rough directions for various operations, roughly measured off 80 Acres of land for the [tooltip color=”grey” text=”The South Australian Company”] Company [/tooltip](with frontage to the Salt Lagoon of 1760 Yards & depth of 220 Yards.) On my return found Coll Light & party dining (on their own provisions & at Miss Beare’s special invitation) under my office tent. Had conversation with him on sundry trivial matters. After I had dined Capn Martin came ashore & we had a long talk about his Carpenter & one of his sailors both of which I agreed to engage ashore. I was to day very much insulted & annoyed by Mr Birdseye who I am reluctantly obliged to consider as a person determined to make as much of & do as little for the [tooltip color=”grey” text=”The South Australian Company”] Company [/tooltip] as he legally dare do. I am most awkwardly situated as to officers & though both by day & night I do more than ever I thought I could have performed I am grieved to see that business is not conducted by any means to my satisfaction.

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Friday 26 August 1836

26 August-The same weather.

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Wednesday 24 August 1836

I mentioned yesterday that our allowance of water had been reduced, but last night the surgeon, conceiving that it was a scheme to avoid, if possible, stopping at the Cape of Good Hope, which would have been a great disappointment to many of the passengers (ourselves among others, for we were not only desirous of seeing the Cape, but wished to purchase some articles there which might be useful to us), urged the [tooltip color=”grey” text=”The area of between-decks occupied by steerage passengers, that is, those travelling at the cheapest rate.”] steerage passengers [/tooltip] to send a letter to Mr. Brown, who, being agent for the emigrants sent out by the Commissioners, was bound to see that the terms stipulated by them were strictly fulfilled. One of these was that each person should be supplied with three quarts of water [tooltip color=”grey” text=”per day”] per diem[/tooltip]. In consequence of this we again had our full quantity. In the state cabin, I believe, there was no restriction, but though all the [tooltip color=”grey” text=”Cabins of lesser comfort than those occupied by privileged passengers and intermediate between them and the dormitory accommodation afforded the emigrants.”] intermediate passengers [/tooltip] paid handsomely for their passages, our own costing us nearly two hundred pounds, in respect to supplies of every description we were no better off than the [tooltip color=”grey” text=”The area of between-decks occupied by steerage passengers, that is, those travelling at the cheapest rate.”] steerage passengers[/tooltip], and even they ought to have had better provisions than were often served to us.

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Tuesday 23 August 1836

Moderate wind & hazy wr. Wind East. Course S.W.b W. All sail set. Dried bedding. Caught another flying-fish, which was disposed of, in a similar manner to its predeces- -sor. Noon. Light winds. Miles run, 97 + 2174 = 2271. Lat. 19E 32′ No. Longe 25E15′ Wt. P.M. Modte & fine. Midt. Very fine.

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Wednesday 24 August 1836

— Yesterday an attempt was made by Captain Duff to decrease the allowance of water to every passenger throughout the ship with the obvious view of avoiding the necessity of putting in at the Cape; this however was resisted by all, and on Mr Brown representing to the Captain that as ‘Agent for Emigration’ he would consider the decrease of allowance of water as a breach of contract with the Commissioners, and would so prevent the payment of the passage money of the steerage passengers, the Captain countermanded his order and the usual allowance of water was today served out. The quantity allowed is six quarts a day for each adult (children have less in proportion to age) and when it is remembered that this is to suffice for washing, cooking, tea and all other uses, it cannot be said to be extravagant.–

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Sunday 21 August 1836

Entered the tropic of Cancer. A fine trade wind carrying us steadily onward. Service to-day. The Sermon, professing to prove the efficacy of faith and the inutility of good works to salvation, did neither. Our worthy Chaplain carefully eluded both points; and vapid common places were all we got on the occasion.

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Monday 22 August 1836

Monday Aug 23 1836 W ½ W            2 Lower Stuncells Set fore top men Stunsell Main top men St fore and main te Gallen St Young Phillips Bit by the Captains dog Ship running 6 Knots Saw Porpus

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Friday 26 August 1836

This 24 hours squally with rain we tracked our casks from the Island to the well and returned with 5 full employed otherwise as needfull In the everning had family prayer read the 3d chapt by Hebrews

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Sunday 21 August 1836

Moderate wind & hazy wr. Wind North. Steering
S.W.b W. All sail set. Divine Service – prayers, singing, &
a sermon by Revd C. Howard. Noon. Miles run 164 + 1875 = 2039.
P.M. [tooltip color=”grey” text=”Latitude is the distance of a point north or south of the equator as measured in degrees. The poles are at 90 degrees north and south.”] Lat. [/tooltip] 22E34′ No. [tooltip color=”grey” text=”Longitude is the distance, measured in degrees, of the meridian on which a point lies to the meridian of Greenwich. On the other side of the earth to Greenwich is a point with a longitude of both 180 degrees east and 180 degrees west.”] Longe [/tooltip] 22E45′ Wt. 8. Do Wr. {Sunday schools}
First issue of limejuice today, ½ oz. [tooltip color=”grey” text=”per person, per day”] per diem, per caput. [/tooltip]

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Tuesday 23 August 1836

Tuesday Aug 24 1836 S W and by So Be calmed and very hot Temperate heat 89 the Coast of affricca about 190 miles from Makeing about 2 miles in one hower

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Saturday 27 August 1836

This 24 hours light winds and cloudy weather sent one boat to fetch the men from the watering place and employd clearing and cleaning the decks we sent a boat to the L M Pellam and received 5 oars In the everning had family prayer and prayed for a speritual sabath the doctor of the […]

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Thursday 25 August 1836

25 August-Rain almost the whole day; employed on board.

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Saturday 27 August 1836

Modte & fine. Course South. Wind East. All sail set. Noon. Do Wr. Miles run, 97 + 2600 = 2697. Late 12E6′ No. Long. 25E16′. P.M. Do Wr. at 10, the wind drew round North, & at midnight N.W. with rain, trimd on starbd tack.

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Friday 26 August 1836

Friday Aug 27 S.S.W ½ W     We made the Land 3 OClock in the morning Droped anchor at ½ pt 10 Went on Shore With Mrs J W and thomas a Very Barran Isle and a Very Little Live stock on the Land

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Friday 26 August 1836

Friday, 26th. August.

I again went on shore this morning with Jacob – a young surveyor – for the purpose of shooting at salt lagoon about eight miles along the shore and a more unpleasant and fatiguing walk I never remember. The heat was excessive and our pocket pistols were soon exhausted. We made a diligent but ineffectual search for fresh water, but I was determined to proceed to the lagoon which we reached about midday. Here we were very much disappointed finding instead a fine sheet of water covered with wild fowl, a miserable salt swamp – merely an inlet of the Bay – with nothing on it but screeching curlews and these so wary that we had no chance of killing any. The Island even at this Season swarms with mosquitoes and today they have bitten me so unmercifully, giving me rather an unpleasant idea of the pleasures of the summer season. On our return we penetrated a little way into the bush and here found the trees very similar to those at the Eastern side of the Bay. The Clematis grows in great abundance which together with a species of Mimosa, having very much the smell of May, imparts a delicious fragrance to the air. This, however, does not compensate for the want of water which is here very distressing. The wells that have been dug near the tents producing after much labour nothing but salt water. I hope to God we shall find better cheer when we visit the main – this is dreary enough and I begin to sigh for Old England with all her faults and all the dear Friends I have left there.

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Sunday 21 August 1836

21st (Sunday) Set off as arranged for the sail seen the previous evening & intended to return to prayers but was prevented doing so by the weather suddenly becoming too boisterous. The sail turned out to be the “Rapid”. All were well. Capn Martin next morning (for we had to remain on board) assisted to […]

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Monday 22 August 1836

22 August-At half past six, got under way with a light breeze from the westward; at two p.m., came to an anchor about two miles from the point chosen by Mr Stephens for the South Australian Company’s Stores. I went on shore at a little sandy bay, where Mr Beare and a few others had their tents pitched. The ground here was much covered by small trees, the soil moist, and many shrubs growing with great luxuriance, perhaps from the late rains; no fresh water was to be found here, and the settlers had to depend for their supply, I believe, on Mr Stephens, who had to send across the bay four miles for it.

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Saturday 27 August 1836

Saturday 27th August.

Some of the settlers came on board this morning bringing with them for sale two of a small species of opossum called by them “Wallobees”. These animals are anything but tempting to the sight having much the appearance of an enormous rat. They, like the opossum and kangaroo, are provided with a pouch for the reception of their young on the appearance of danger, and it is a curious fact that most of the quadrupeds of this country have the same appendage. Disgusting as these animals were to our eyes they were excessively grateful to the palate after having lived so long on ships’ fare. I breakfasted on board the “Duke of York” off hot rolls and ham so that I have come off sumptuously in the provider line today and stand well in the way of doing so tomorrow as Hill and myself with the boat’s crew have just caught two superb fish in the seine. There must have been a great mortality among the kangaroos on this island since Flinder’s time or he must have mistaken the walloby for them as we have not seen one and the Sealers say there are none

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Wednesday 24 August 1836

24 August-Went on shore with Mr Woodforde, and walked to Mr Stephens’s settlement; almost the whole distance thickly covered with small trees and scrub,the soil was moist, and looked in some parts tolerably good.

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Wednesday 24 August 1836

24th. Sent of a boat & 5 hands with tools & provisions to the Salt Lagoon to prepare a place for themselves & the stock &c under the Direction of Mr Brown. Spent an hour or two in shewing the Settlement & its vicinity to Coll Light, who took lunch under my tent. This afternoon the hands at the well came to water which sure enough turned out to be slightly Brackish, & thereupon (although we have an abundant supply from another source) I was once more prayed to abandon the place. It is not, however, my intention to act so stupidly, untill I can find a better & for all commercial purposes I am tolerably certain I cannot find a better on the Island. This morning at day light the L.M.P. got under weigh but owing to the wind shifting came to an anchor again a few miles further out. Finding that spite of all the precautions I had been able to take the small stock of ardent spirits in our store was improperly used, I ordered all that remained to be got ready in the morning for sending off to the John Pirie, Capn Martin kindly consenting to receive it. Had some conversation with Mr Birdseye about his very great inattention to his duty & hope in future he will take more interest in the Company’s service.

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Tuesday 16 August 1836

N.N.W                        Left the Land of Madera at                         7 Bells the Carpenter was                         Reported Lowsey the Emegrants                         Was Mustered Broached a Blue [froek…?]

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Monday 15 August 1836

We had to bewail yesterday the death of one of my Cashmere kids, a beautiful female, and, as usual when a favorite dies, the prettiest of the flock. It had not grown much since its arrival & gradually became weaker until it died. The disease appeared on a post-mortem examination to be an inflammation of the [? intestine] occasioned most probably by confinement and change of food. Two others, a male kid and a young ewe seem also unwell, but as they have now the privilege of running up and down the deck in fine weather, it is possible they may yet survive the voyage.They are fed on grain, paddy, bran, and hay, instead of on oats & chaff as recommended by Mr Tower. We have now but four, 2 males & 2 females…  Our other pets,the dog and the bird are well and contented.

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Tuesday 16 August 1836

A very curious fish of the class Cephalopoda flewor rather jumped on board today: it is nearly five inches long has two tentaclae about two inches long with which it adheres firmly to any substance offered it, and eight mandibles (for want of a better word) about 1 ½ inches long with which it seizes […]

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Monday 15 August 1836

Anniversary of passing of So Australian Bill. Light variable winds & fine. Laying about S.W. Noon. Do Wr. Saw Madeira ahead. Miles run, 1245 + 57 = 1302. P.M. Lat. 33E23′ No. Longe – . 6.30. Not being able to weather the West- -ern point of Madeira, & the wind falling very light, we attemp- […]

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Saturday 20 August 1836

Called the hands as usual & spent the greater part of the day in forwarding work on shore. Capn Martin took dinner with me under my Tent & soon afterwards the Mate of the L.M.P. came to inform me that Capn Ross was confined to his bed through illness & wished to see me. Settled […]

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Sunday 14 August 1836

Light winds & fine. Several sail in sight. This day
I attained the age of 30 years: therefore cease to be a young man
an awful & painful reflection, being still a bachelor, & likely to con-
tinue so for some time. Prayers & sermon by the Revd C. Howard.
Noon. Do Wr. Lat. 34E24′ No. Longe 17E7′ Wt. Miles run 1186 + 59 = 1245′.
P.M. Do Wr. Passed all the emigrants in review for inspection.
Established classes for Sunday reading among their children.

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Tuesday 15 August 1836

… 8 AM the John Pirie hove
in sight I took a boat and went on board and
piloted him and welcomed Captn Martin
crew and passengers to nepean bay …

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Sunday 14 August 1836

The stars also presented a splendid appearance, and we could now see the Southern Cross, that is, five stars in the form of our Saviour’s cross. This is only seen in the Southern Hemisphere. (The cross is assumed as the Australian arms and worn by the Government officers, the emblem being stamped on their buttons.) It likewise frequently happened that a beautiful rainbow was seen at sunrise, which, as it appeared on the edge of the water, was truly magnificent.

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Monday 15 August 1836

… This evening spent some time in conversation with two settlers, Bates and Nathaniel Thomas, who have a little place on the N.E. corner of the Island and who have appeared among us this afternoon for the first time. I made to Bates a proposal for his services for 3 months which he is to answer in the morning. These are the two men who were commissioned by the Governor of V.D.L. [Van Diemen’s Land] to take the natives who killed Captain Barker. All the settlers we have seen are free men. Most of them have native women with them who assist in catching game (which is now nearly destroyed here) and some of them have children by those women. I have to-day made several arrangements for the more effectual protection of ourselves and the Company’s property and have landed Miss Beare (my intended wife) to be near my tent, manage my domestic affairs and keep a sharp look out when I am away… Miss Beare and her brother’s children are sleeping under my tent and I shall mount guard till 2 a.m. then lay down in my boat cloak.

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Friday 19 August 1836

Moderate & hazy wr. Wind N.E. Steering S.W. All sail                  set both sides. Plenty of flying-fish to be seen. Miles run, 140 + 1558 = 1728. Lat. 27E11′ No. Longe 20E2′ Wt. P.M. Fresh breezy & cloudy. 8. Do Wr. Going along quietly & steadily.

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Thursday 18 August 1836

S.W ½ W        Saw Strainge Sail a S.                         a head Set Lower Stunsell                         and fore top men Stuncell Running                         7 Knots the wind on our starbord Qr

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Sunday 14 August 1836

N – W             but Very Light 4½ Knots we had                         Church Gave G. F. –  Lon 32/ 40 Latd

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Sunday 14 August 1836

I  took Miss Bear and the children on shore early
this morning and found Mr Stevens had
bing in trouble all night in the L M Pelhams crew

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Sunday 14 August 1836

A very good sermon today from
Mr Howard. A Sunday school established by him he has
asked one of the Miss Hindmarshes & Mr Wm Malcolm to
assist, and it is to be hoped that it will go on and prosper.
But what can fairly be expected from an hour’s
reading in a Sunday School! There are about 50 children
on board who run wild all the week. We would gladly
devote time daily to their instruction, but the chaplain
evidently considers this would be interfering with his
especial province. There seems no disposition on the part
of the Governor to promote any sort of education whatever
among them during the voyage. It is very grievous to
see all this, but we cannot remedy it. Broadbent
and Cock among the emigrants are not neglecting
their poor children, but their exemplary conduct has
not been generally followed, neither has it attracted
any attention or commendation from those quarters
where it ought to have found both.

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Friday 19 August 1836

                                Friday Aug 19th 1834 [sic, 1836] W ½ W [sic]    fair wind 4 Bells Squear                         Yards Running 4 Knots 606 Miles                         from Saint Jagus Passed tener Reef                         at Night about 100 miles from                         Land Rigged Mr finks Boat for                         Sailing Cutter fashon

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Monday 15 August 1836

N,W ½ W        Spoke to a french Bark
                        named the Velea 4 OClock
                       in the morning made the Isle
                        of Miderea on the Cost of Portugal
                        the weather fine But very Light
                        Winds Opened the fore Hole and
                        Got Out 100 Bags of Bread 

                                       One thousand and Twenty
                                       Miles from London
                                                     Heat only 98

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Thursday 18 August 1836

… During the night a slight change of wind occurred, affording us the prospect of relief from our lengthened imprisonment. This is doubly agreeable, as the Captain has more than once intimated his intention to go into the Island of Ascension instead of the Cape should this weather continue. We are near [? it] and the detention there while getting water would be much shorter than at the Cape. This is a great temptation, especially now that we have lost everyhope of making a quick passage; but it will be a source of great disappointment to me and most of the passengers, as we have prepared long lists of etceteras to be purchased at the Cape; besides which we have looked upon two or three days sojourn there as a holyday, which could hardly be enjoyed on a volcanic island where nothing can be had but water & turtle. Since the first of this month we have made no more southing than 390 miles.

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Friday 19 August 1836

Signed Capn Ross receipt for stores and Cargo pr L.M.P. settled various matters with him & arranged that he should call on me in the morning to finish other business & take his leave. Spent the rest of the day on shore forwarding various concerns of moment.

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Wednesday 17 August 1836

This [Amsterdam Island] was the last land we saw till Wednesday 17th. August when we made Kangaroo Island. It was very indistinct and the weather being thick and squally we again lost sight of it till the following day when at 8 a.m. we saw the whole of the South Side of the island. The […]

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Thursday 18 August 1836

This 24 hours calms and clear weather employd taring the riggin and watering I attended the watering party the seacond mate being some time sick In the everning had family prayer I felt it a blessing to draw nigh to god at a throne of grace and tell him all my cares and troubles

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Sunday 14 August 1836

at 7 a.m. A boat (for the 2nd time) came ashore for the purpose of taking off the L.M.P. sailors and after a mixture of persuasions and threats they were prevailed upon to depart. During the previous evening while absent on duty at a little distance my tent had been entered and plundered of some private stores (Cheese Ham and Wine) … This morning I hoisted for the first time the British Admiralty Ensign and decorated with the Company’s flag and colours a booth which I had prepared for the performance of Divine Service. In the evening a man of the name of Cooper who has been residing on the Island for 7 years and who it appears has 3 acres of land under cultivation on the Western side of the Point Marsden came round to us and after having had some lengthy conversation with him I arranged with him for the service of himself and his boat so long as I might require it… If I can get a well of fresh water hereabouts I shall name this place Kingscote and it will be at no distant period a port and harbour of the very first class for ships under the burthen of 500 tons…

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Monday 15 August 1836

At 11, O’Clock, on Friday Night, we had a dead Calm, that contd untill 6, A,M, of Saturday, when a gentle Breeze sprang up from the Southward, but did not remain long, and since which time, there has been nothing but Calm’s with occasional light and variable Wind’s, untill Yestdy at Noon, when a gentle […]

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Saturday 20 August 1836

a.m. Fresh breezes and squally at half past one; tide commenced running to the N.W. about two and a half knots an hour; very squally, took in second reef, and prepared for slipping; at four, more moderate; at eight, moderate and fine; at half past nine, weighed and made sail for Nepean Bay, (wind W.S.W.); at noon, we observed a smoke on the coast, at Kangaroo Island; at four, came to an anchor in three fathoms, in the eastern part of Nepean Bay.

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Saturday 20 August 1836

…  I started after breakfast to explore it with my gun on my shoulder… The soil being very poor and sandy at the mouth of the river but gradually improved as I proceeded up so that we may expect better land in the interior. I have had tolerable sport with my gun shooting sufficient seafowl for the Mess Dinner tomorrow. Returned on board at 5 p.m. and having very satisfactorily appeased my appetite I shall now turn in.

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Friday 19 August 1836

After a pleasant passage of three months
and 19 days from the time we left the city
canal anchored in Antechamber Bay, Kang-
-aroo island.

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Friday 19 August 1836

a.m. Fine weather, tacking to windward all the first part, the land being in sight from daylight; p.m. at four, light winds; Cape Willoughby S. By W. halfW., distant about three miles. At six, bore up for Antechamber Bay; at seven, wind dying away; half past seven, calm, and the vessel drifting near the rocky […]

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Thursday 18 August 1836

Called the hands as usual put them to work & then took my boat, & in Company with Capn Martin went to examine the Salt Lagoon (the one at the bottom of shoal bay) returned & dined on board the John Pirie having decided that for the sake of obtaining grass & fresh water it […]

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Thursday 18 August 1836

A curious creature was drawn up with a pail of water. It was called a glaucus, and was of a dark purple. When the sun shone on it a variety of colours was reflected. It had four appendages about an inch long, with shorter ones again branching from each in different directions. Its length was […]

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Thursday 18 August 1836

Moderate & hazy. East. Steering S.S.W. Set                  royals & studg sails. Noon. Do Wr. Miles run 1462 + 126 = 1588. Lat. 29E10′ Nt. Long. 19E00′ Wt. P.M. Mode & hazy, like a trade wind, N.E. All sail set before the wind, & going 8 knots. !!!!!!!!!!!

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Saturday 20 August 1836

This 24 hours fresh breeses and clear weather employd watering and cleaning the ship In the everning had family prayer we belive God heard and answered prayer

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Saturday 20 August 1836

Three birds called Cape pigeons have been flying about the vessel. This would seem a trifling occurrence except at sea, where a bird so far from land excites as much notice as any extraordinary animal in the street of London.  

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Tuesday 16 August 1836

________   At 9, A,M, we rounded Point
Marsden, and had the pleasure of seeing two Barques
at Anchor in “Nepean Bay”, which proves to be
the “Duke of York”, and “Lady Mary Pelham’,
they had arrd about 3 Weeks before us  ____
In the course of an Hour, we were visited by
Sml Stephens Esqr, C,M, [Company Manager] who was saluted with
three times three Cheer’s, and shortly afterwards a
Boat came from each of the Vessels, in one of
which was Capt Morgan of the “Duke of York”, who
undertook to be our Pilot, and at 3, P,M, we were
safely Anchor’d in a well shelter’d Roadstead, not
more than a Mile, distant from the Shore, and
right abreast, of the Company’s Tents, at the “New-
-Colony” of “South Australia”   _____

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Friday 19 August 1836

at 7 p.m. we dropped anchor in 32 fathoms just inside the Western point of Antichamber [sic] Bay and rather closer to the shore than was pleasant…

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Wednesday 17 August 1836

S,S,W              Running 6½ Knots                         Miss Ketch Lave and her                         father was taken very Bad                         Saw fresh Sail on our Starbord                         Quarter one thousand one hundred                         and 13 miles

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Monday 15 August 1836

This 24 hours mostly increasing breeses employd as needfull I went with a crew to the well for water it yealds little returned with two casks In the everning had family prayer I found the throne of grace yeald more of the waters of eternal life than the well we where dipping at did yeald […]

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Wednesday 17 August 1836

At day light (having arranged with Captain Ross that if the sailors would not do their duty I should put hands aboard to take her to V.D.L. [Van Diemens’ Land] sailors and all), called all hands aft and finding that they would do their duty if one of her mates (Mr. Dawsea) were taken out of her, consulted with the Captain and officers on the subject and having arranged that it should be so…

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Monday 15 August 1836

Madeira distant about 20 miles white cottages and green patches visible, the green supposed to be vineyards. Oh for a bunch or two of the fresh ripe grapes!

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Wednesday 17 August 1836

This 24 hours light winds and clear weather employd mostly watering the ship a few taring five sick took 8 casks left 2 men all night to fill. In the everning had family prayer

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Saturday 20 August 1836

Next day weighed proceeded further westward anchored off Pt Morrison. __

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Wednesday 17 August 1836

The Rapid left the river Thames on 4 May, and arrived in Antechamber Bay, Kangaroo Island, on 19 August. The Cygnet left England on 24 March, 1836, with Messrs Kingston, Finniss, Symonds, Neale, Cannan, and Hardy, all of the Surveying Department. She touched at Rio, and did not reach Nepean Bay until 11 September. I […]

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Wednesday 17 August 1836

12 oclock passed six miles to the South of Amsterdam. Saw 6 or 7 whalers lying to under the lea of the Island.

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Tuesday 16 August 1836

Light variable airs & fine wr. Found that owing to the variable airs, & perhaps a current, we had been losing ground during the night. Madeira bore S.E. 12 miles. 8. Tacked, & stood in. Noon. Do Wr. Lat. 32E44′ No. Long. 17E58′ Wt. Miles run, 1302 + 60 = 1362. P.M. Wind South. Tacked, […]

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Saturday 20 August 1836

                                  Saturday Aug 21th [sic, 20th] W and by S     Capt Bromley was turnd                         [derel?] amoung the Gentlemen                         8 Bells Running 7 Knots the wind                         halft Mrs Allen Commited her                         Selfe upon the Quarter deck                         Before the men of the watch                         and Mr W

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Friday 19 August 1836

After much deliberation it was formally
determined a few days ago to touch at St Jago, one of the
Canaries, but today the Captain has cooled upon it and
his firmly fixed intention has fairly evaporated – so it
happens every day. The poor man does not know his own
mind for two hours together. This is a sad failing for one
in authority to be overpowered with.

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Wednesday 17 August 1836

Moderate & fine wr. Wind S.E. Steering S.S.W. Set top- –               mast & tgt studg sails. Passed a Hanoverian Ketch. Noon. Do Wr. Miles run, 1362 + 100 = 1462. Lat. 31E13′ No. Long. 18E 33′ Wt. P.M. Mode & fine. Saw the first shoal of flying-fish. Midnight. East & squall. In studg sails and […]

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Saturday 20 August 1836

Moderate & hazy wr. Wind N.N.E. Course, S.W. All sail set. Empd scrubbing clothes &c. Miles run, 747 + 1720 = 1875. Lat. 24E54′ No. Longe 21E18′ Wt. P.M. Fresh breezes & hazy. Wind North. 8. Do Wr. 10. In royals & topgt studg sails.

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Friday 19 August 1836

This 24 hours light winds and clear weather employd watering and other jobs as needfull after the employment of the day had family prayer and lay down tired and warey

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Tuesday 16 August 1836

Called the hands at ½ past 5 A.M. set them to work &c at ½ past 8 saw a sail rounding Point Marsden, on looking at her with my glass found her to be a Schooner, hoisted the Ensign (having first agreed with Bates for his services for 3 months) manned a boat belonging to […]

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Thursday 18 August 1836

Made the land to the eastward of Encounter Bay; sandy shore, exactly as described by Flinders. At midnight, sounded in 35 fathoms.

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Saturday 13 August 1836

Saturday 13th 1836 fair wind but Very Light hardly a nought to Carry Stuncells Broached 1 Sack of Oats for Sheep and fowles

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Saturday 13 August 1836

August 13 We spoke with a Dutch ship bound for Rio Janeiro. Wind still in the same quarter.

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Saturday 13 August 1836

This 24 hours light winds and clear weather at half past 6 AM hove up the anchor and moved the ship but came to anchor again for want of water over the flats at 1 PM hove up again and moved to a more convenent place for wood and water we anchored in quater less […]

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Saturday 13 August 1836

Saturday August 13. Progressing for some days very steadily; about 200 miles from Madeira. Picked up a log of American pine which seemed to have been very long at sea from the immense number of Barnacles adhering to it, the wood however was perfectly sound. A visit from a shoal of dolphins to day, they […]

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Saturday 13 August 1836

Rose at ¼ to 6a.m. and finding no hands stirring sounded my morning call on my trumpet which soon brought all out. Set the men to work in various ways. At 7a.m. a boat from the L.M.P. with Mr. Edmonds (3rd Mate) and 1 watch reached the shore the men having had that day allowed them a ramble. Mr. Edmonds thinking that I had heard something to the disparagement of his character wished and received a private audience and retired as he said (and as he ought to be) perfectly satisfied. I took this opportunity of urging upon him the necessity of his giving his utmost support to the Captain (against whom I hear no complaints except from Mr. Birdseye) and particularly for the sake of his own and brother officers’ characters endeavouring to his utmost to prevent the purloining by the crew of the ships small stores, more especially ardent spirits. He received my observations as they were meant and we parted pleasantly. …  In the evening settled with the men (having previously allowed them to buy from Mr. Birdseye at the store 1 pint of rum per man for their next week’s consumption – on condition that if I found the same improperly used I would allow it no more) and soon afterwards learned that the sailors on liberty from the L.M.P. were not gone aboard but were carousing with some of my men. On learning this and that they had (as was generally supposed) brought rum ashore with them endeavoured by various means to get them on board without effect. In a short time afterwards the conduct of the party became so outrageous as to warrant the supposition that an attack was meditated upon the store with a view of possessing themselves of a further supply of spirits. Quarrelling, fighting and obscene and blasphemous discourse and threatening language having proceeded to an alarming height and I being able to obtain the assistance of only 2 men on whom I could depend I armed myself and them and mounted guard till 7a.m. on the following morning (Sunday) being during the whole time in momentary expectation, spite of my exertions to prevent it, of being compelled to fire upon the poor depraved and deluded beings by which I was surrounded.

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Saturday 13 August 1836

Saturday, Augt 13. Light winds & fine. West. Close hauled. 3 Sail in sight.
Noon. Do Wr. Miles run, 1110 + 76 = 1186. Late 35E33′ No. Longe 16E26′ W.
Hove to, to pick up a beam of deal, covered in barnacles. Having obtain-
-ed permission, I leaped overboard in my clothes, & swam toward
the boat: some of my companions called out that a shark was
following me, so I got astride of the log, where the fish follow-
-ed me, but proved to be a few dolphins, attracted by the le-
-pas on the wood: after scraping them off, it was hoisted in.
P.M. Fine weather & light winds. Steering S.W. People very merry.

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Friday 12 August 1836

We had light variable Airs, and Calm’s, all Tuesday Night, but on Wednesday Morng, a gentle Breeze, sprang up from N,N,E, which kept increasing untill the Eveng, and then blew very strong from N,E, causing a reef to be taken in the Sails at 6,P,M,  ___  however at Noon of Yestdy it lower’d a little, […]

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Friday 12 August 1836

Our little community has been again shaken with intestine commotion. One of our servants (Margaret Clark) got into disgrace about the latter end of last month for lightness of conduct towards the sailors, and a few days afterwards, she put on the appearance of mental derangement; the surgeon and some others however attributed her conduct to the effect of spirituous liquors. In consequence of this report of the surgeon, of complaints having been made of the conduct of other females in the steerage arising from the same cause, and of grog having been given by the steerage passengers to the sailors whereby some of them were rendered unable to do their duty, Captain Duff having the opinion of Mr Brown & me, ordered that no spirits should be served out henceforth to the women and children, but that on arrival in the colony, either the quantity of rum which each individual wd have consumed on the voyage should be distributed, or its value given in money. This order occasioned no doubt dismay among the laboring emigrants, but finding the Captain immovable in his determination the malcontents were obliged to put up with their fate, though in some cases with a very bad grace. In particular, Mr Wickham, the person who we had made our drill sergeant, declared his intention of acquainting the Govt of the Cape of Good Hope with the conduct of the Captain, and of procuring redress by legal means. For a time his anger led him to refuse his own allowance of grog, though this had never been interdicted; he soon became tired of this ‘biting-of-his-nose-to-be-revenged-on-his-face’ system, but he has attempted to punish us by not having […] to drill! I was always averse to allowing laboring emigrants spirits on board ship, and am now more than ever convinced that the practice is most injudicious. Very few indeed ever think of helping the sailors by pulling at a rope or of rendering any other assistance; on the contrary, they are generally to be seen rolling on casks or hencoops, enjoying (a new thing for them) idleness with unusually full meals; thus they become unhealthy, & the allowance of spirits makes them vicious. The women, many of whom have perhaps very seldom tasted rum before, and if so in small quantities, now drinking largely, become quarrelsome and the causes of quarrels among the male emigrants. From these considerations, carried out practically as I have seen in several instances, I am thoroughly convinced that no ship containing a large number of poor persons can be other than an arena for discord while spirits are served out as an article of rations, or can be attainable except, in particular cases, by the authority of the Surgeon.

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Friday 12 August 1836

This 24 hours gentle breeses from the North employd shifting our dry provitions in a dry and safe place in the after hold I took three men with me to the well to git it cleard out and sink a cask to git our water it is about 5 miles from the ship or rather […]

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Friday 12 August 1836

12th July [sic, August] steering East. after the cloth
was removed yesterday from the Dinner
table James Hoare came to the Cabin door
to say that two of the Sladdens were fighting
between decks. Upon this Kingston arose
and went to see what was the matter
there was an assemblage of persons
near the Main Mast: shortly after
Mr Morphett came to the door in a
hurried manner and said gentle
men your assistance is required one of the
steerage passengers has even threatened
to strike Mr Kingston. …
This morning I observed to Mr Gilbert
the impropriety of Mr Morphetts address
at the Cuddy table. I told him that
Kingston was less fitted to command
a body of men on such an expedition
as this than anyone of the Cabin
passengers. I told him we could not
complain of the language used by
Steerage passengers after what he
must have heard fall from the lips of
the cabin passengers, that he
could not be surprised at a man
being quarrelsome in liquor since
it was a failing common to our
own table; that I heard Kingston
and Sladden disputing about which
was the gentleman of the two: this
could not be wondered at when a cabin
passenger had previously taken the
trouble to tell the steerage passengers
they were all gentlemen.
I also touched upon the subject of
Mrs Paris saying that Kingston
ought to have attended to this
subject and ended by saying I
shuddered for the fate of
an expedition under such manage
ment –

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